Emerson EWF2004 20" TV Logo

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Posted on Apr 12, 2008
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Need a code

Ge tv need code

  • Anonymous Aug 19, 2008

    need code


1 Answer

Francisco Mauricio G

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  • Emerson Master 1,551 Answers
  • Posted on Apr 13, 2008
 Francisco Mauricio G
Emerson Master
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Joined: Feb 16, 2008

The brand of the remote please.

  •  Francisco Mauricio G
    Francisco Mauricio G Apr 17, 2008

    Has lo siguiente prende tu tv.

    Presiona le tecla CODE SEARCH hasta que la lamparita se quede encendida suelta la tecla y despues presiona y suelta la tecla TV .

    Una vez hecho este vas a tener que presionar la tecla POWER en el control remoto hasta que la Tv se apague una vez que se apague deja de presionar la tecla POWER y presiona y suelta la tecla ENTER para que se guarde el codigo.

    Esto la vas a hacer con calma ya que vas a tener que buscar entre 100 codigos.

    Que tengas suerte.


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I have a GE JC024 tv remote and need code for an Emerson tv

These are the setup codes for Emerson TV, with GE remote control.

0004 0009 0044 0135 0049 0051 0189 0053 0147 0039 0130 0227 0233 0250 0252 0254 0257 0265 0266 0310 0325 0456 0040 0041 0042 0021 0023 0024 0179 0045 0025 0027 0030 0032 0034 0035 0037


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Setup codes for Orion TV with GE universal remote control are:
0121 / 0135 & 0035

How do I program my universal remote control for my ge tv model # 19gt357?

Code 000 for GE TV Code 003 for GE TV Code 004 for GE TV Code 006 for GE TV Code 022 for GE TV Code 052 for GE TV Code 054 for GE TV Code 055 for GE TV Code 064 for GE TV Code 087 for GE TV Code 100 for GE TV Code 165 for GE TV Code 166 for GE TV Code 167 for GE TV Code 181 for GE TV Code 203 for GE TV Code 212 for GE TV Code 233 for GE TV try these if these won't work add a 1 in front of the codes to give you a 4 digit code. Good luck

Need code 4 ge universal remote? 24911 4 ge tv

i need my code for my tv. The brand of my tv is Magnavox. I also need the steps to program the remote because I lost my book

I have a GE 24991 universal remote and a Samsung Tv. I need a list of tv codes so I can try to program it.

The codes that GE list for the Samsung are:
0105, 0077, 0076, 0109, 0007, 0009, 0004, 0005, 0085, 0172, 0942, 0358, 0012, 0015, 0080, 0104, 0106.

Also, here is a link to the .pdf of all the codes for the GE 24911 and all other GE four code universal remotes...

Code List for 4 digit Universal Remotes from the GE website. <-click here

Remote codes

Try these GE codes 002 006 007 018 107 114 310 312 502 601 704 719 803 806 810 901 911
Not finding what you are looking for?


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