Canon PowerShot SD700 IS Digital ELPH / IXUS 800 Digital Camera Logo

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Posted on Apr 12, 2008

Lens error - Canon PowerShot SD700 IS Digital ELPH / IXUS 800 Digital Camera

  • 8 more comments 
  • Anonymous May 05, 2008

    me too

  • arhodes09 Aug 17, 2008

    my coolpx s210 keepsv saying lens error.what do i do to fix it?

  • pamcoz Aug 25, 2008

    My canon power shot sd700 continues to read "lens error" & tells me to restart.  Turning it off & on doesn't work.

  • b_b_lusious Sep 27, 2008

    when i turn on the power it gives me a lens error restart camera and the lens is extended and it wont retract

  • eriinbabeyy Oct 22, 2008

    I have the canon PowerShot A550
    My Lens Got Stuck Out Now
    When i Go to Turn it On
    it says lens error please restart camera
    but nothink happens HELP !

  • mjvillanueva Oct 25, 2008

    lens error restart camera... canon powershot. A530 Any clues?

  • Krista Evans Oct 25, 2008

    everytime i go to turn on my camera it says lens error restart camera

  • Anonymous Feb 16, 2009

    I also have the same problem...the lense is stuck open and when i try to turn the power on the canon logo appears then says "lense error, restart camera." I've looked in the manual to try and find out how to do this but have had no luck...I'd appreciate the help, thanks

  • aelizaash Apr 07, 2009

    me too??? where's the help?

  • ohio_ton80 May 11, 2010

    I have a Canon Powershot SD700 IS. The lens will not retract (lens error). Like others, i restart camera with no luck. Any pointers on how to remedy the problem. i'm somewhat savy when it comes to cameras/electros, please help- cheers,


2 Answers



Len will not come all the way out ,and it shut off with in a couple of second ?


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  • Posted on May 10, 2008
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Joined: May 10, 2008

Lens error ,i did not drop the camera.i only charger the battery.


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Related Questions:


Camera lens won't shut

This has to be THE most common failure mode for a digital camera. Some common error messages that might show up on the LCD's of cameras with this problem include "E18 lens error" (older Canons), "ACCESS" error (Sony), "Zoom Error" (Fuji), "Lens Obstructed" (Kodak), "lens error, restart camera" or just "lens error" (nearly all camera makers lately use this variation). Some cameras might show nothing at all, but merely make a beeping noise as the lens goes out, then in, then the camera shuts off. Sometimes the lens won't even move.

Sanyo digital camera showing lens error 1114 or 112


If your Sanyo digital camera is not starting and you get lens error 112 or lens error 1114 prompted on display, that means that the lens is getting stuck, and cannot extend or retract fully. The controller board detects the error on startup, and shuts down after displaying the error message.
This errors usually happen because of dirt, or because the lens mechanis mis damaged in consequence of a shock.

If lens does not retract, try helping the lens back, without putting too much strenght, while you turn off the camera at he same time.
If the lens does not extend, try tapping softly the back of the camera to help lens out, while you turn off the camera at he same time.
If the camera had been exposed to sand or dust, try blowing canned air on the lens.

If this does not work, the lens assembly must be taken apart completely and re-assembed, and for that you need a camera repair shop.

Also call the number listed on the owners manual to get support from the manufacturer.

Check also the links below for more troubleshooting in case of lens error:

Lens not retracting on digital camera.

Lens Error.

on Apr 09, 2010 • Cameras

Lens error

Lens stuck, is common defective that need new lens unit replacement or just repairable.

Causes of a Lens Error: There are a number of ways with which a lens error can be caused. Particulates might have managed to get into the mechanical bits that allow the lens to retract, a purely physical interference with the lens mechanism. If the camera was dropped, especially while the lens was extended, there's a pretty good chance something might have been knocked loose, such as the guide pins upon which the lens withdraws and retracts.

How to Repair a Lens Error: As scary as a lens error might seem, there are some easy fixes. Before trying any of them out, however, first take a good long look at your camera warranty and maybe have a chat with the company. If the lens error will be covered under the terms of the warranty, go for it. Even some of the simple fixes mentioned below might void the camera warranty. Frankly, however, it's unlikely that a lens error will qualify for the warranty.

Additional details could find in this article link: fixing-lens-error-on-digital-camera.html

Keep us updated.

My camera say lens error 111000

Your lens problem is common defective. It need lens unit replacement or just repairable.

Causes of a Lens Error: There are a number of ways with which a lens error can be caused. Particulates might have managed to get into the mechanical bits that allow the lens to retract, a purely physical interference with the lens mechanism. If the camera was dropped, especially while the lens was extended, there's a pretty good chance something might have been knocked loose, such as the guide pins upon which the lens withdraws and retracts.

How to Repair a Lens Error: As scary as a lens error might seem, there are some easy fixes. Before trying any of them out, however, first take a good long look at your camera warranty and maybe have a chat with the company. If the lens error will be covered under the terms of the warranty, go for it. Even some of the simple fixes mentioned below might void the camera warranty. Frankly, however, it's unlikely that a lens error will qualify for the warranty.

Try just some basic things first-just to make sure it's actually the lens that's broken. Replace the batteries with fresh ones. Failing that, replace the memory card.

Additional details could find in this article link: fixing-lens-error-on-digital-camera.html

Keep us updated.

Lens error, restart camera

Lens errors are fairly common. Usually it's sand or grit interfering with the lens extension mechanism. Or the camera's been dropped with the lens extended. Or the camera has been powered on, but the lens had been blocked preventing its extension. Or the battery ran down with the lens extended ...

Here's some things that you can do to try to correct it. They only seem to work for less than 50% of the lens errors, but if the camera is out of warranty, they're worth a try:

Lens error, restart camera

Lens errors are fairly common. Usually it's sand or grit interfering with the lens extension mechanism. Or the camera's been dropped with the lens extended. Or the camera has been powered on, but the lens had been blocked preventing its extension. Or the battery ran down with the lens extended ...

Here's some things that you can do to try to correct it. They only seem to work for less than 50% of the lens errors, but if the camera is out of warranty, they're worth a try:

Lens error= restart camera - this is the message I am receiveing from my cannon SX110 IS

Lens errors are fairly common. Usually it's sand or grit interfering with the lens extension mechanism. Or the camera's been dropped with the lens extended. Or the camera has been powered on, but the lens had been blocked preventing its extension. Or the battery ran down with the lens extended ...

Here's some things that you can do to try to correct it. They only seem to work for less than 50% of the lens errors, but if the camera is out of warranty, they're worth a try:

Lens error, restart camera

Lens error is usually caused by mechanical faults concerning lens assembly. The lens cannot extend or retract fully, the error is detected and lens error is returned.
Sometimes this can be fixed playing with the lens during extraction or retraction to help the lens asset getting back to normal.
More often the camera lens must be disassembled and re-assembled by a technician to fix the problem.

Lens error 25 and 15

This is probably THE most common failure among digital cameras. There's a halfway chance of fixing it yourself, described here:

Lens error

wheni go to turn on my camera it says"lens error"on the screen and wont turn on lens is "stuck"open.
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