Dell Latitude C640 Notebook Logo
Posted on Apr 12, 2008
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Bootup error When booting up I get following error: "Memory write/read failure at 3FFF0020, read 10FE10FF expecting 10FF10FF Memory address line faiure at 3FFF000, read 10FF10FF expecting 00000000 Strike the F1 key to continue, F2 to run the setup utility I then press F1 and windows boots up to desktop but then shortly after I receive a quick error on the screen too fast to read and then the system goes back to the same error above. This occurred while I was online reading something and then the laptop just went haywire. Any ideas?

2 Answers



I', checking both modules of memory and works good.,...but one bay slot of memory get error how can fixed it?


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  • Posted on Apr 12, 2008
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You have a dodgy memory module in the laptop.
By the sounds of it, and the fact you can get into Windows then you will probably have 2 memory modules installed and it is probably in the second one there is an error.

If there are 2 modules in there, remove the second one and try that, then if it still fails put that one back in and remove the first.

If there is only one module in the laptop, then move it from the slot it is in to the other slot. Besure to push it in properly. There is a notch on the memory modules so they will only go in one way.

Hope that helps =)


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