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Posted on Apr 11, 2008
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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My computer has a registry file faliure - Computers & Internet

  • Anonymous May 11, 2010

    Hello whinsten,

    We're going to need some information from you. Then, we'll be able to begin to provide you w/ some assistance.

    Please, tell us the following:

    (01) **Verbatim**, what is the error message you are getting?

    (02) When does the error message appear? (e.g. when you open a particular program; when you use a particular hardware device like a printer, for instance; when you try to access the Internet; etc.)

    (03) What is your computer's operating system? (Windows XP, Windows Vista, etc.)

    (04) What is the manufacturer and model number of your computer?

    (05) What are ALL of the other problems you are experiencing w/ this computer?

    (06) Have there been any recent changes to your computer? (e.g. hardware, software or operating sytstem installations, updates, upgrades, removals, uninstalls, system crashes, application crashes, etc.)

    ** Please, post back here w/ answers to
    ** these questions and the results of what
    ** you've tried so far (if applicable). We
    ** will need to communicate back and forth
    ** here as part of the trouble-shooting pro-
    ** cess. We WILL continue to work w/ you un-
    ** til your problem is resolved or diagnosed.
    ** Please, don't rate the experts' solutions
    ** until that time. Once ratings are assigned,
    ** the problem will be closed and we'll no
    ** longer be able to assist you.

    Thank you,

    BJ @:)


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  • Master 4,402 Answers
  • Posted on Apr 11, 2008
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Your better off reinstalling windows.

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My system is verry slowe working

It could be many reasons:
Your laptop/desktop doesn't have much memory or diskpace available
Your laptop/desktop may have spyware, malware, or viruses
Your laptop/desktop may have antivirus software scanning in progress
Your Internet connection is slow
Your laptop/desktop may have device driver issue.

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Enter the BIOS and ensure that the Hard drive is indeed being seen by the computer.

Open up the chassis side panel and ensure that all conections are making contact.


My pc is very slow

-Can you provide more information about your issue?
-Are you using Windows XP or Windows Vista or Windows Seven?

When you say slow, is it slow when you are on the internet or slow when accessing or the computer or generally slow like everything is running slow?

Can not get skype to work properly. Says computer too running slow

Corrupted Registry

System registry corruption leads to runtime errors and your computer slows.Windows Registry is very complex and not easy to repair manually. Hence, athird-party Registry Cleaner and PC Optimizer software is recommended.

1. Download a Registry Cleaner and PC Optimizer software such as Reginout.
2. Click Registry Cleaner tab.
3. Click Start Scan.
4. The registry scan will start. Wait till it is finished.
5. As per the results, click Fix Now button to start repairing you registry.

Often good registry cleaners include built-in Backup & Restore centre thatlets you recover from an unforeseen situation by simply restoring the state ofyour registry.

Faulty RAM

Your computer crashes due to problems with the computer memory. A faulty RAMmay result in Blue Screen of Death (BSOD).

In such a case, remove the existing RAM and clean it using a soft cloth. Then,connect it again. The problem may not persist..

Incomplete Installations

Your computer slows because of apreviously failed or incomplete installation. An incomplete or failedinstallation creates junk registry entries and thereby system crashing problem.

Repair the registry entries created by a failed setup and delete the files thatstill remain on your hard disk. Delete the contents of C:\Windows\Temp folder.

Disk Space Allocated by Unnecessary Files

Your computer slows if the operating system has no adequate free disk space toperform its operations. Temporary files, temporary internet files, log files,browser cache and other files may occupy a large amount of your disk space andthus generating runtime errors that crashes your system.

Using Disk Cleaner, delete the junk files from your hard disk. The steps are asbelow:

1. Click Start ' All Programs ' Accessories ' System Tools ' Disk CleanUp.
2. Follow the instructions on your screen.

Pc slow

Learn why is a pc running slow and how you can fix the issues from:

I have an acer one netbook /notebook---- computer freezes....worsenes w/tiime....sometimes it boots to windows then freezes,in safe mode .......still freezes....

CorruptedSystem Files

Your computer freezes due to corruptedsystem files. System files corruption is one of the most responsible causes forcrashing the entire computer. Deleting or moving the system files may crashyour computer.

1. Insert the Microsoft Windows Installation CD ROM.
2. Click Start ' Run.
3. Type SFC/ ScanNow and press ENTER.
4. Follow the instructions on your screen.

Corrupted Registry

System registry corruption leads to runtime errors and your computer crashes.Windows Registry is very complex and not easy to repair manually. Hence, athird-party Registry Cleaner and PC Optimizer software is recommended.

1. Download a Registry Cleaner and PC Optimizer software such as Reginout.
2. Click Registry Cleaner tab.
3. Click Start Scan.
4. The registry scan will start. Wait till it is finished.
5. As per the results, click Fix Now button to start repairing you registry.

Often good registry cleaners include built-in Backup & Restore centre thatlets you recover from an unforeseen situation by simply restoring the state ofyour registry.

Faulty RAM

Your computer freezes due to problemswith the computer memory. A faulty RAM may result in Blue Screen of Death(BSOD).

In such a case, remove the existing RAM and clean it using a soft cloth. Then,connect it again. The problem may not persist..

Incomplete Installations

Your computer freezes because of a previously failed or incompleteinstallation. An incomplete or failed installation creates junk registryentries and thereby system crashing problem.

Repair the registry entries created by a failed setup and delete the files thatstill remain on your hard disk. Delete the contents of C:\Windows\Temp folder.

Disk Space Allocated by Unnecessary Files

Your computer freezes if the operating system has no adequate free disk spaceto perform its operations. Temporary files, temporary internet files, logfiles, browser cache and other files may occupy a large amount of your diskspace and thus generating runtime errors that crashes your system.

Using Disk Cleaner, delete the junk files from your hard disk. The steps are asbelow:

1. Click Start ' All Programs ' Accessories ' System Tools ' Disk CleanUp.
2. Follow the instructions on your screen

I deleted the configcheck file and am still gettin the code purple help!!!

your computer needs to be repaired
Its a hardware faliure(MOTHERBOARD)

My pc is running slow


There could be several reasons for this:

[Software type]
1. There are too many trash files (temporary files left after some program crashes or uninstallation; temporary internet files and small amount of free memory after all)
2. Your computer Registry should be cleaned and optimized
3. Your hard disks should be defragmented
4. Some components have bad or corrupted drivers
5. Viruses, trojans and other malware may slow down your PC performance
6. Too many programs running at Startup or in your SysTray
7. Inacurate size of Virtual Memory
My advice would be to use this " Faster Computer Now" guide at:

[Hardware type]
1. If your computer wasn't fast from begining, consider upgrading RAM and/or Processor (see your computer mainboard's documentations for available options)
2. Hardware mullfunction

Of course there are more reasons, but I just mentioned mostly common

F1 floopy diskette faliure seek faliure

Make sure it is not disabled in the boot order, there is also an option for the drive itself (Diskette Drive) that must be disabled
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