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Posted on Apr 11, 2008

How to Justify Text of a label (memo type filed) in a Report

I created a report in MS Access. I want contents of a label (memo field) to be aligned both at left & right i.e. justified.


  • rizvisam Apr 29, 2008

    One field of the table contains description and it is memo type. While displaying in MS Access report, it is left aligned. I want text to be justified (as justify tool in MS Word does) i.e. aligned both at left and right, simultenously.



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  • Posted on Apr 14, 2008
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An expert who has achieved level 1.

Joined: Apr 14, 2008

In relidad not understand exactly your probrema but would request that you specify.
For more information write to [email protected]

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Contact problems

According to the third article of the Safety section in Facebook's Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, willfully compromising a user's account on the social networking constitutes a violation of Facebook's user agreement.

Reporting such violations may be performed in a number of ways, depending on the situation. If either you or your friend's Facebook account has been hacked, file a report through Facebook's Help Center.

If you are aware of a specific user on Facebook who is engaged in hacking other accounts, file a report regarding his activity through his profile page.

Go to, type the email and password associated with your account in the corresponding text fields and press "Enter."

Click "Account" in the top menu bar and select "Help Center."

Click "Security" in the "Popular Topics" section.
Click "I Think My Account is Compromised" in the Account Security menu.
Click either of the two security questions, depending on your situation, and click "Secure it here."
Click "Secure Account" and click "Continue."
Complete each of the steps for securing your account, including changing your password, changing your email password, reviewing your changes and unlocking your account.

Click "Done" to complete the process.

The developers at Facebook receive a notification regarding your account being compromised. Report Your Friend's Compromised Profile

Sign into Facebook, click "Account" in the top menu bar and select "Help Center."
Click the "Security" icon in the "Popular Topics" section.
Click "I Think My Friend's Account is Compromised" in the Account Security menu.
Click any of the three questions depending on your circumstances and click "File a Report."
Click your friend's full name, his birthday, the email associated with his account and a description of the situation in the corresponding text fields.
Click "Submit" to send the report to the developers at Facebook.
Report a Profile on Facebook

Log into Facebook, click the "Search" text field and type the name of the profile you want to report for hacking.
Scroll down and click "Report/Block This Person" in the left side bar.
Click "Unfriend" or "Block" depending on the situation and click "This Person is Bullying or Harassing Me," click the drop-down menu and select "Other."

Facebook does not offer an option in this drop-down menu that applies specifically to hacking, but selecting this option is the best fit for that form of violation.
Click the user's name at the top of the page, type a report regarding the account hacking in the text field and press "Enter."

The report is sent to the Facebook developers.

How to invoke a ms.access using parser

To parse a Text field that contains two words separated by a comma, follow these steps:
  1. Open any existing database.
  2. Create a table with the following structure: Table: Parse2Words
    Field Name: Empl
    Data Type: Text
  3. View the Parse2Words table in Datasheet view and type the following three records in the Empl field: Smith, John
    Callahan, Laura
    Fuller, Andrew
  4. Create the following query based on the Parse2Words table: Query: QueryTest
    Field: FirstName: Right$([Empl],Len([Empl])- InStr(1,[Empl],",")-1)
    Show: True
    Field: LastName: Left$([Empl],InStr(1,[Empl],",")-1)
    Show: True

    NOTE: You can modify the QueryTest query to account for spaces between the two parts in the Empl field. For example, if the text in the Empl field is "Smith,John" without spaces, remove the -1 from the FirstName field expression.
  5. Run the query. Note that the QueryTest query separates the text in the Empl field into the two fields below: FirstName LastName
    John Smith
    Laura Callahan
    Andrew Fuller

Print labels created in ms access

first check your driver for zebra 2844 it is compatible with the OS, if it's Ok may be you can find third party software that help us create label

Trouble inserting a different picture for each record. Want to link to file on another drive, and want the pictures to show up in a report.

A bound object is an object displayed within a field of a record in a table. Access can display the object in a form or print it on a report. A Bound object is bound to an OLE object data type field in a table. If you use a bound object in a form, you can add and edit pictures record by record.
An Unbound object is not stored in a table, it is placed on the form or report. An Unbound object control is the equivalent of a label control. To display the object for each record, you must place that field in the Details section of the form or report. Does this help?

How to get 1 value from report to another form in ms access

You'll have to use a separate Group By query to get the summed data you are looking for, you cannot pull it off the report.

How to print picture wiht crystal report 8.5 using ms access ?

I am not sure if I understand your question correctly but here goes..

if you want to click on a link within crystal report and them show the picture you can use OLE..
in the tools menu click on OLE, select "Create From File" ,
select the object type eg: MS bitmap.
Select Link
Browse to folder where the image exists. and select it
you can now select a Icon or leave as is and it will display the image name..
Clikc OK

now when you run CR if you click on that link it will open and display the image..

if you just want to add a Image to CR
in the Tools Meni select Insert, Picture browse to the folder where the image is stored and select it then click OK and it will be displayed

I hope this helps


Storage of MS-Access 2007

(please refer for for further information)
Database specifications Attribute Maximum Access database (.accdb) file size 2 gigabytes, minus the space needed for system objects Note NOTE: Although the maximum size for a single database file is 2GB, you can work around this limitation by using a split database. A front-end database file can point to thousands of back-end database files, each of which could be as large as 2GB. For more information, see the topic, Split a database.
Number of objects in a database 32,768 Number of modules (including forms and reports that have the HasModule property set to True) 1,000 Number of characters in an object name 64 Number of characters in a password 20 Number of characters in a user name or group name 20 Number of concurrent users 255 Table Attribute Maximum Number of characters in a table name 64 Number of characters in a field name 64 Number of fields in a table 255 Number of open tables 2048; the actual number might be smaller because of tables opened internally by Access Table size 2 gigabyte minus the space needed for the system objects Number of characters in a Text field 255 Number of characters in a Memo field 65,535 when entering data through the user interface;
2 gigabytes of character storage when entering data programmatically Size of an OLE Object field 1 gigabyte Number of indexes in a table 32 Number of fields in an index 10 Number of characters in a validation message 255 Number of characters in a validation rule 2,048 Number of characters in a table or field description 255 Number of characters in a record (excluding Memo and OLE Object fields) when the UnicodeCompression property of the fields is set to Yes 4,000 Number of characters in a field property setting 255 Query Attribute Maximum Number of enforced relationships 32 per table, minus the number of indexes that are on the table for fields or combinations of fields that are not involved in relationships* Number of tables in a query 32* Number of joins in a query 16* Number of fields in a recordset 255 Recordset size 1 gigabyte Sort limit 255 characters in one or more fields Number of levels of nested queries 50* Number of characters in a cell in the query design grid 1,024 Number of characters for a parameter in a parameter query 255 Number of AND operators in a WHERE or HAVING clause 99* Number of characters in an SQL statement Approximately 64,000* *Maximum values might be lower if the query includes multivalued lookup fields.
Form and report Attribute Maximum Number of characters in a label 2,048 Number of characters in a text box 65,535 Form or report width 22 in. (55.87 cm) Section height 22 in. (55.87 cm) Height of all sections plus section headers (in Design view) 200 in. (508 cm) Number of levels of nested forms or reports 7 Number of fields or expressions that you can sort or group on in a report 10 Number of headers and footers in a report 1 report header/footer;
1 page header/footer;
10 group headers/footers Number of printed pages in a report 65,536 Number of controls and sections that you can add over the lifetime of the form or report 754 Number of characters in an SQL statement that serves as the Recordsource or Rowsource property of a form, report, or control (both .accdb and .adp) 32,750 Macro Attribute Maximum Number of actions in a macro 999 Number of characters in a condition 255 Number of characters in a comment 255 Number of characters in an action argument 255 default.aspx?assetid=za100776681033 Top of Page
Project specifications The following list of tables is specific to Office Access 2007 projects:
General Attribute Maximum Number of objects in an Access project (.adp) 32,768 Number of modules (including forms and reports that have the HasModule property set to True) 1,000 Number of characters in an object name 64 Number of columns in a table 250 (Microsoft SQL Server 6.5) 1024 (Microsoft SQL Server 7.0, 2000 and 2005)
Microsoft SQL Server database Microsoft SQL Server maximum capacity specifications are described in the SQL Server documentation. Form and report Attribute Maximum Number of characters in a label 2,048 Number of characters in a text box 65,535 Form or report width 22 in. (55.87 cm) Section height 22 in. (55.87 cm) Height of all sections plus section headers (in Design view) 200 in. (508 cm) Number of levels of nested forms or reports 7 Number of fields or expressions that you can sort or group on in a report 10 Number of headers and footers in a report 1 report header/footer;
1 page header/footer;
10 group headers/footers Number of printed pages in a report 65,536 Number of controls and sections you can add over the lifetime of the form or report 754 Number of characters in an SQL statement that serves as the Recordsource or Rowsource property of a form, report, or control (both .accdb and .adp) 32,750 Macro Attribute Maximum Number of actions in a macro 999 Number of characters in a condition 255 Number of characters in a comment 255 Number of characters in an action argument 255
Zulfikar Ali

How i create a data base in ms access

Start, Programs, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Office Access 2007. Click the Office Icon in the top left corner of the Access 2007 window. Click New, locate where it says "Blank Database". In the field labeled "File Name", type the name of your new database. To choose a folder on your computer to save the new database, click on the folder icon next to the "File Name" field, and select the folder, then click Ok. Then click "Create".
Please let me know if this helps or if you have any questions.
Thank You, Raphael

Access 2003

Hi smiths, Try adding a Label to the report in Design View. In the Properties, select the control source for this field. Insert one for your vertical and horizontal calculations as needed. Hope this helps. Regards DeltaC
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