Mitsubishi WS-65909 65" Rear Projection Television Logo
Posted on Apr 11, 2008
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Red Color Across top of TV

My Family and I were watching a movie on the Dvd player when all of a sudden the tv went into 3D mode .. I tried to Reset Factory Defaults but that did not work.. I unplugged and replugged the Tv and nothing happened .. does anyone know a inexpensive solution to this problem ... and what kind of damage I am looking at? Thanks for the help

  • mandydandy Apr 11, 2008

    WOW thank you soo very much!!


1 Answer

Sonny Berry

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  • Mitsubishi Master 8,617 Answers
  • Posted on Apr 11, 2008
Sonny Berry
Mitsubishi Master
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Joined: Jan 03, 2008

You need to the convergence IC this is an easy repair and you can get the replacement IC at the following link and they provide installation instructions and free online tech support while you do the repair it saves you a 400.00 repair bill for an hour job. The IC you need is number STK393-110. Heres the link.

  • Sonny Berry
    Sonny Berry Apr 12, 2008

    Youre welcome I am a repair tech for that site as well, go to that site you wont regret it we even do free on line instant messaging while your doing the actual repairs. Just to make sure the repair is a success.


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How do i watch a 3d movie on my 55"thorn tv?

the tv automaticly determines if it should go to 3D mode as long as the DVD player or say like PS3 or PS4 is connected to HDMI (yes those two game consoles will support HD Blueray 3D and DVD 3D movies) if the TV isnt displaying 3D look into the video settings of your TV to enable that ability also your TV will come with 3D glasses if the TV supports 3D

I'm trying to watch a 3d movie in my blue ray 3d

First off is your TV a 3D TV. If it is you should be able to go into the menu setting (or on the remote) and change the display from regular TV to 3D. Then your 3D blu-ray player should recognize it.

How do I view movies in 3D on the Mitsubishi WD-Y65?

WD-Y65 is NOT a 3D ready TV. You either have to change the TV to see the movie in 3D, or just watch it in 2D in you current TV.

I have the same TV as yours. Current I connect a desktop PC to the TV via DVI port, and I watch Avatar using colorcode 3D(Amber/Blue) with Stereoscopic Player from It might be a way for you to enjoy 3D without change the whole thing, but it's an entire different topic.

It seems that I am watching my TV in 3D.

im joel a simple electroncis tech. try to adjust the settings but it does'nt work the i think 3 color inside ( red,blue,green) is one or two of them is the best solution try to go the expert tech nothing else

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unit is in a progresive mode. need to turn back to interlaced.

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you have to type in 5898 in the box!

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try do a soft reset of the TV. this will help you solve the problem
thanks you


Dvd color is off

Depending on how it is configured to your TV it could be high contrast with the TV. One thing you might want to try is replacing the video cable if you have a spare. If you are using an RF modulator and watch DVDs on Channel 3, you might want to replace the coax line between the box and the TV set.

Color on the screen

Try moving the speakers away from set.

Scrambly TV

take a quick peek in the manual and find out where to disable the progressive scan features. may be a button on the back, or you may have to go through the on screen menu to find it. take the disc out and see if you can view what's on screen. or since you said you had a couple of movies that did work properly, put one of those in, start the movie, go into the dvd player setup menu and disable the progressive scan settings
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