How to replace 2002 radio light pont bonnieville and part number
I have repaired these burnt out display bulbs (3 of them) in GM Delco radio's, it is not a simple repair by any means, the radio must be removed from the car and then the radio chassis taken apart, the very tiny bulbs (size of a pencil point) are soldered to the front of the radio's main circuit board for the display, this job requires special pin point cordless low heat solder gun and a printed circuit board solder removal vacuum, The GM dealer does not service these bulbs, all they will do is remove the radio and send it out for repair to a GM radio repair center, if you do wish to attempt the replacement of the display bulbs they are a 12 volt 60ma, you will need 3 for the display, you can buy them from Radio Shack, the Radio Shack part # is #7219. You can also remove the Radio and send it in yourself for replacement of the display bulbs, this is what I recommend, if you damage the circuit board by applying to much heat the radio is so much junk.