LG 52SX4D 52" HDTV Logo

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Posted on Apr 09, 2008
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Will not turn on.

System keeps powering up like it want to start but trys for approx 6 min and then lamp light comes on and it stops for 10 minutes and then starts right back up.

  • magnolia916 Apr 09, 2008

    No it never comes back on it just keeps retrying. I have unplugged for entire evening and retried to start up and still nothing. From the sound of others on this site it appears it may be a bulb. Lg was not at all helpful.

  • bignabel Apr 23, 2008

    Same problem, replaced the bulb, still not starting up. I was able to turn it on after I first replaced the bulb, then went back to powering down, with the white lights scrolling, then the bulb light flashing a few seconds. Every 4-6 minutes it tries to turn itself back on, but is not able to. Power light is solid, then bulb light flashes for a few seconds...repeat.


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Sonny Berry

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  • LG Master 8,617 Answers
  • Posted on Apr 09, 2008
Sonny Berry
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Does the set eventually start? You could be at the end of the lamps lifespan most sets will have false starts when the lamp is nearly gone and will take alot of trials before they start.

  • Sonny Berry
    Sonny Berry Apr 09, 2008

    try replacing the lamp as thats usually what happens when the lamp burns out.




Sorry above reply should have been in dollars. Alan in England



Had this problem recently and you will see that there are two orange flashing lights  the lower one indicates that the lamp is going. Definitely a new lamp and be prepared for a shock if you buy from  Sagem as the lamp with holding box is £400.00. I bought just lamp from good dealer on ebay for £85.00. Set now is fine. 

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Trust you mech on this one.

I have the WD 62627 model. the lamp light is on, when i power up the tv, it comes on for like 6 to 10 secs then it turns off. Does this mean I need a new Lamp?

I would say that it probably is a bad capacitor on the power supply board of the tv. What you want to look for is any round cylinders with the tops pushed up at all. The replacements are usually really cheap, it might also be the lamp, but usually when lamps go they go completely while a bad capacitor is known to cause intermittent problems that escalate into a tv only working for about 5-10 seconds.

Our projector has said replace lamp for approx. 1 year. We did and it still saying to place lamp. Also it stops projecting after about 5 minutes and then 10 minutes later we are able to use it again for...

You need to reset the LAMP RUNTIME counter

1. Press the MENU button to display the menu screen

2. Press the UP and DOWN arrow buttons to select the "OPTION" menu

3. Press the ENTER button and then press the UP and DOWN button to select the LAMP RUNTIME

4. Press and hold the ENTER button for approximately 3 seconds

5. The LAMP RUNTIME screen will be displayed.

(Note: press any button other than the Power button to cancel the LAMP RUNTIME screen)

6. Press the POWER button to turn off the power

7. After the POWER button on the projector illuminates red you restart the projector

and check the LAMP RUNTIME counter it should be "0"


My Sony KDS-60A2000 is 41/2 years old. About 2 weeks ago I could not get the tv to power up. the green stand by light just kept blinking. I powered off, then powered up again and the tv started and and...

TV needs lamp replacement as existing lamp got weak or has been reached to end of its working life, please note that lamp is not dead or broken so that is why lamp lit is not lit at tv front.
Hope these info will help you.

Our RCA high-def 52 inch TV is shutting off on

It has you Posted as a projection TV and Not DLP, if Fan to Lamp stops running set will shut off to protect Lamp,I had a DLP that would play sometimes 30 mins then shut off drove me crazy trying to firgure it out and it turn out to be Fan would stop running I replaced Fan TV working fine . When you remove back engage toggler switch to up position put a piece of tape on it to hold it is a safty switch ,then turn tv on watch to see if all fans are running also if when tv trys to come on is there a spark coming from Ballast Board if so your new Lamp is defective it does happen if not your ballast board maybe Bad it is what turns on Lamp.If all fans are running Ballast Board.

Panasonic pt ae900 wont fire up

First , start over and unplug it. Wait a few minutes. Turn on AV system that is connected to it but not video or dvd player. With remote, point at is corectly and push power 1 sec or as soon as you see green light come on. Be quick.
If this fails you can wait 4 hours and repeat. OR try only projector with out any feed.

Let me know if this worked.

Tv cuts off and green light flashes

Yup, it seems a lamp problem can give a blinking green light over the 10 times (1 - 10 times for diagnostic codes), but in my case rather than replace the bulb if it works for a minute then resets with the green light blinking, do what I did.
Take the lamp out and inspect it, it has breather screens top and bottom, if it cant breath because there clogged with dust, clean them, and you can remove the screens, use q-tips and clean the inside. I saved the cost of a lamp and it's working fine!

NEC LT30 - Lamp dosen't turn on.

From the manual: To reset the lamp hold down the "HELP" button on the remote for 10 sec and the lamp indicator will turn off. Then start up the projector again.

It worked for me!
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