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Posted on Dec 16, 2007
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Xbox 360 has sound but no picture on HD setting

My xbox 360 worked fine at my house, i drove 3 smooth hours to Atlanta to my parents house. I hook up my xbox and the sound works but the screen is a grey static that changes with the different parts of the boot up. I know its not the AV cable or the TV because I hooked up my brothers xbox to the same set up and it works. Any advice would be very helpful since my warranty is over.

  • 10 more comments 
  • CadillacV06 Dec 16, 2007

    Oh and when i change it to the TV on the AV cable it works, but when i put it on the HD setting it does have picture just sound

  • Anonymous Dec 23, 2007

    same here, it started out with a little green smearing on the screen and then it just went out, no signal being received by my TV. The standard tv setting on the switch works.

  • Anonymous Jan 21, 2008

    3 flashing red light

  • Anonymous Apr 08, 2008

    my xbox360 when set up works but without picture.theres no red lights showing unless you disconect the hd av cable.this is doing my head in and any help given would be apriciated

  • JackHammerer Apr 08, 2008

    I have gotten a new av cable from Microsoft (hooked up correctly, in different ports, and on different tvs) and even sent it (console) to be repaired, they sent me a new one back and what do you know it still doesn't work right. I am using an HDTV, that i have played on in HD with another 360, why didn't getting a new unit fix this? Every time i call customer support, they haven't heard of this problem

    I understand that this could be a compatibility issue but, why doesn't, it work on other HDTVs and not just mine.

  • Anonymous Sep 13, 2008

    my x box has just no picture just sound ive tried it on every tv in the house its gay

  • emnems Oct 29, 2008

    blue screen ,no picture, but has sound

  • knighty209 Dec 27, 2008

    When i Plug mine in It works fine on Tv setting But on Hd it doesnt and my Tv is Hd

  • Karatepunk Feb 28, 2009

    my xbox has worked fine till now. i get sound just fine but no picture on either tv settings or hdmi settings i even went and bout brand new cords but nothing changed

  • Anonymous Mar 01, 2009

    my 360 has sound but no picture the screen is black with static goin around it

  • dpivonka Mar 21, 2009

    i was playing cod4 then the screen stated changing crazy colors so i shut off my xbox and turned it back on then there was no video or sound

  • Anonymous May 02, 2009

    Image is scrambled when attempting to use HD settings. same problem on several different TV's. Ive even used sound cues to try and change the settings when the screen is scrambled but no luck


4 Answers



It's the system I've got the same problem. You just need to call 1-800-4My-Xbox, get an agent on the line and ask them for a box to send your 360 in.


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  • Posted on Dec 23, 2007
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This site here has a guide that can fix alot of the probs.



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  • Posted on Apr 08, 2008
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Well myxbox was working fine then the colors went crazy, i was play GTA San Andreas on my 360 and the yellow bled everywhere, i wiggled yellow colored cord (video) and still was ditorted, so i turned off and on my 360 and i got diagnol dotted lines with sound, but nno picture..

I tried everything only thing that worked was the towel trick. type in 'towel trick' on youtube search. very simple technique


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  • Posted on Dec 17, 2007
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Is the tv rated for HD? if its not the inputs will be at a wrong voltage and will create that snow like effect.

Is the TV you normally game on HD?

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You may need to change your HD settings on the back of the console ( HD setting is actually on cord ) I had that issue when I first went online w/360 . If that does not help u know X box costumer support will repair any damaged system prob. no cost and does'nt take as long as they say.


You have to use the regular red and white cords(not the yellow) and u have to use all 3 hd cords. If ur tv doesnt have a place to put the cords in, then it isnt HD. Also on the plug connecting to the 360, there is a switch that has HD and regular, switch it to HD. hope this helped.

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check that the wire coming from the xbox 360 elite to the tv is switched to hd, and the other end of the wire has the red and white for the sound pluged into the tv and that the red green and blue wires are pluged into the tv. also check to see if the hdmi cable to conected to the tv and xbox 360 elite.

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already solved it. thanks. i couldn't see the xbox settings blade because of the blank screen so switched my component cable to the tv setting instead of the hdtv setting, then i could see the dashboard in non-hd and switched the resolution to 720p while simultaneously switching the component cable back to the hdtv setting. that worked.

Xbox sound but no picture

the problem all the time with the 360 is on the cable that gose into the back of the xbox has a small switch on the side of it my suspisions are its at hd slide the switch to tv then re set it this should work fine

Philips 1080i xbox 360 hook up

you need to change the settings on the xbox aswell.

go to your settings menu and change the picture settings to 1080i

No picture or sound on the tv

where you put the cables for the sound and picture if you look on the end where you plug it into the xbox 360 you will see a little switch it has HD and TV on it depending on what your tv supports (HD ready TV) (normal TV) switch that switch to what TV you have (e.g. HD TV, switch the switch to HD) if that doesnt work then try checking that you have all the cables in the right ports if you have pluged the HD cables into a normal TV then this is not going to work, check cables and check the switch!

Xbox 360 no sound when all connected back from parents house to my house.

ahh my friend i have the same problem i was playing mine at mines then i took it to my dads i played it on normal television it did not work i played with hd it worked i got back and the sound didint work but i kno what to do the video cable has been damaged my soulotion would be to buy antoher cable then it should work cables ussaul cost round 20 pounds if your in scotland

No picture using component on Toshiba 32HL66

It may be a synch issue. Make sure your component input is set for the proper type of output. Your XBOX 360 is likely set to 1080i, but your DVD and PS2 are only 480i (or maybe 480p for the DVD if progressive scan). Sometimes component inputs are 'self adjusting' to the signal, but others require manual setting.
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