KitchenAid Superba Architect KSCS25INSS Side by Side Refrigerator Logo
Posted on Dec 08, 2007
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Drain pan leaking?

I have water leaking out from underneath the refrigerator. I have turned off the water supply to the ice maker / water dispenser. The leak is still present. Do you know where to locate the defrost drain pan? It is a Kitchenaid Superba Side-by-side.

  • 6 more comments 
  • Anonymous Dec 11, 2007

    I have the same problem and the drain/drip pan is a plastic pan under the freezer side. It just slides out from the front. I can see corrosion on one of the metal tube lines so I am calling in a repair guy. I'll post what they tell me.

  • Anonymous Jun 09, 2008

    the water is leaking out under the kenmore side by side, all connections seem ok but the drain pan is full and over flowing. can't seem to remove it easily, where is this water supposed to go. I can hear nothing running that would evaporate this water in the drain pan. gary

  • schroederius Jun 10, 2008

    I just spent over an hour sticking a sponge into the drain pan and
    soaking up water, then squeezing it out into a bucket, repeat until hot and irritable, to drain the
    absolutely full drain pan that was overflowing. I see no easy way to remove this drain pan, and my wrist is raw from pushing across wires into a small opening. I don't know yet whether this water was accumulated over years, or if something has gone terribly wrong - this was uncovered when a dog treat rolled under the fridge, and I sloshed water around moving it to find it. I guess I need to check periodically - say, tomorrow - to see if the pan is filling up again.

    This Kitchenaid side-by-side fridge has ALWAYS had the sound of trickling water periodically, but I've never seen the drain pan full before. It's 7 years old - not actually a Superba Architect, it's a KSRG25 Superba unit, but this is the closest match Google provided that I've found.

    Any suggestions? I have an even older fridge, that ISN'T EnergyStar, that I've been thinking of replacing, but I sure don't want to replace the NON-LEAKING fridge while keeping the LEAKING one...

  • Lori LaVigne Sep 04, 2013

    And how did they fix the problem. Not calling the repair man over this. It has to be simple, just how do you get to it?

  • Anonymous Mar 16, 2014

    Water leaks from under my kitchenaid side by side frige and its not coming from the water inlet valve how do I find and fix the leak

  • Anonymous Mar 16, 2014

    Water leaks from under my kitchenaid side by side frige and its not coming from the water inlet valve how do I find and fix the leak

  • Anonymous Mar 17, 2014

    Kitchenaid Superba KTRS25Q Refrigerator water dispenser leaking

  • Anonymous Mar 22, 2014

    defrost water overflows refrigerator compartment


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  • Posted on Dec 12, 2007
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There is a drip pan located underneath you ref but most likely your prob is a plugged drain line coming from the freezer. when you ref goes into automatic def the water doesnt run out into the drip pan but instead onto your floor..

you can clean the drain line by removing the rear cover in the freezer compartment and using hot water to thaw the drain below the evap coil.

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