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Posted on Jun 26, 2017

Bought '99 chevy cavalier. viper remote 474v won't work

Thought battery was dead, but went to the batteries + store & it turns out the battery wasn't bad. the light before i don't think worked on the remote before, but does now. but the system still does not. the horn doesn't work either (only once it did- had car for 3 days). and the back speakers are hard to get working, maybe because they put in a new sound system, pioneer.---if any of that extra stuff contributes to the problem.

5 Related Answers


  • 12 Answers
  • Posted on Jan 15, 2009

SOURCE: problem with my viper alarm system on my 98' odyssey

first, you need to manuslly disarm the alarm. open driver's door, put key in ignition, turn on ignition, an then within 10 seconds push the valet/program button for a couple of seconds. (it is the little spring loaded push button that they installed with your system. probably in the kick panel or under dash



  • 95 Answers
  • Posted on Feb 26, 2009

SOURCE: Viper Directed Electronics 479V Remote Gen 2

sounds like there is a problem with the remote itself. Your best bet is to purchase a new one and program it to the remote start


  • 905 Answers
  • Posted on Apr 05, 2009

SOURCE: viper remote stopped working 791xv

I have the same remote and it comes disconnected in the battery section from the battery hitting it and then the commands and speaker stop working
as shown here


  • 33 Answers
  • Posted on Oct 23, 2009

SOURCE: battery went dead,clifford alarm locked the engine

Assuming that all is well with the vehicle's electrical system (fuses, etc...), the following should work, as Viper/Clifford uses the "fail safe" method of starter disable, and it only works to lock out the starter when the alarm is functioning properly and in the armed state.

That system has a "starter kill" system. When the alarm is actived, the starter kill is engages, and won't let the starter get voltage from the ignition switch. First thing I'd try is connecting the car's battery while the ignition key is turned to the "on/run" position. Cycle the alarm to arm, then disarm, so that the LED is not blinking. It also may require using the manual override button/switch (with the key on) to reset the alarm. Should start after that.

If all else fails, reconnecting the starter wires back together (they are spliced and running through the alarm via a SPDT relay.


Larry Spears

  • 625 Answers
  • Posted on Oct 03, 2010

SOURCE: my remote starter for my viper 5900 2 way trans

Try reprogramming the remote. Open the door, turn ignition on, press and release valet switch one time, then press and hold valet switch while pressing lock button on remote.You should hear a confirmation chirp from the alarm. Release both buttons.Turn off ignition. test.


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is the alternator charging ok is the first thing to check when you've got the engine running if thats ok i'd disconnect the Viper remote as from your description it could be draining the battery/not working properly put back to original factory spec and run like that for a while then you'll know if its the Viper or not keep me updated

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Did you try removing the battery? with the battery removed push buttons then let it sit for a few minutes with no battery in it. Then reinstall the battery and see if it powers up, if not then let it sit over night with the battery removed then reinstall. If all that fails then I would say its a goner

My Viper remote won't turn on or charge.

The battery is probably dead. There is a guy on ebay that is replacing them. He fixed mine and it works great. The batteries dont last forever and you cannot just buy them they are a special type, also viper suggests you buy a new remote for $299 because they do not replace the batteries... how convenient. Hopefully that helps.

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I replace the batteries in the remotes search ebay viper 7752 remote battery replacement.
Dec 02, 2012 • Viper 7752V

My remote starter for my viper 5900 2 way trans isnt battery went dead in the remote, than after i replaced it, it's not working properly

Try reprogramming the remote. Open the door, turn ignition on, press and release valet switch one time, then press and hold valet switch while pressing lock button on remote.You should hear a confirmation chirp from the alarm. Release both buttons.Turn off ignition. test.

My 97 chevy cavalier will not start.

clean battery terminals, then use voltmeter set it on dc 10amp an groung the black then while car is running touch the red probe to the main wire (large wire) in back of alternator it should read 14 volts if not replace alternator also have battery checked at a part store. If all of that is good replace starter.
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