When I search for a POI and use the dialing feature, the number sent to my cell to dial adds "011+1+area code" as it it dialing a long distance number. All the POI's I am dialing are local. How can I set it up so it does not dial the extra numbers?
I was having the same problem with TTG910, however, I figure it out. When creating .ov2 files, make sure the format reads as follows:
-66.052647,18.411293,"Netxar Technologies > 7877650058"
-66.052647,18.411293,"Netxar Technologies > 17877650058"
You must leave a space after the description and add a greater sign, followed by the phone number, and include the "1" in front of it. If you don't it will dial "0117877650058" instead of "17877650058"
Usually answered in minutes!
I have a 720 in Canada, and it does the same thing. I need to remove the "+1" too!!
same here
I have a Motorola ic902 phone on the Sprint/Nextel network. It is not listed on Tom Tom's compatible mobile phones list and has the same issue, where it dials the 011, then 1, then the area code and number even for local calls. I've contacted Tom Tom's customer service and they state that the phone is not compatible with their device and that is the end of the discussion. I do not believe it will be addressed in any future software updates because they do not see it as a problem, its just incompatible. A word to the wise, check to ensure that your mobile phone/device IS compatible with the Tom Tom device you are thinking of buying BEFORE you spend the $500+ dollars if the bluetooth feature is VERY IMPORTANT to you. If only I had it to do over......
How do I access the .ov2 files?
In order to institute this solution, you need a poi.dat file editor. The only one I have been able to find online does not work. Without a functional poi.dat file editor this solution will not work. Thanks for trying, but the solution posted here is not implementable with the Tom Tom 920T. I also agree with the other hundreds of postings out there that say Tom Tom's technical support is useless and I further agree that the only way this problem will be fixed is if Tom Tom repairs it in their periodic software updates, which is unlikely also since the problem only occurs with phones NOT LISTED on their "compatible mobile devices" list. If they don't list it there, they consider it incompatible and therefore not something they will address in future, regardless of the number of unhappy customers.