Well it's not going to be any fuse you can buy at the store, Here is a list of available fuses for your model: http://www.partstore.com/GetModel.aspx?MfgName=Matsushita&BrandName=JVC&ModelNumber=MXG500&PartCategoryName=&Keywords=fuse&x=6&y=18
Sorry it's a long link. Your best bet is to take the case apart, find out which fuse(s) are blown, usually they will be labeled with a rating, there are only a few ratings available for your unit, so it should be easy to match up to the ones in this list. You probably don't want to just order all of them, because they're all kind of expensive. Also, here is a site to download the service info for that model: http://www.eserviceinfo.com/downloadsm/16562/JVC_MX-G500.html
You'll have to download and save all three parts to your computer then unzip them. Hope this helps.
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