JVC MX-G500 CD Shelf System Logo

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Posted on Nov 29, 2007

Fuses I just need to know what size fuse's this system takes

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  • Posted on Nov 29, 2007
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Well it's not going to be any fuse you can buy at the store, Here is a list of available fuses for your model: http://www.partstore.com/GetModel.aspx?MfgName=Matsushita&BrandName=JVC&ModelNumber=MXG500&PartCategoryName=&Keywords=fuse&x=6&y=18
Sorry it's a long link. Your best bet is to take the case apart, find out which fuse(s) are blown, usually they will be labeled with a rating, there are only a few ratings available for your unit, so it should be easy to match up to the ones in this list. You probably don't want to just order all of them, because they're all kind of expensive. Also, here is a site to download the service info for that model: http://www.eserviceinfo.com/downloadsm/16562/JVC_MX-G500.html
You'll have to download and save all three parts to your computer then unzip them. Hope this helps.

  • Anonymous Dec 28, 2010

    i just put a higher fuse in my jvc cause every time i play music the fuse for the woofer

    would blow so i put a 5A instead a 4 A and since i did that i had no problems any more i

    have thaking the stereo 2 times to get it fix then went it went i got a fuse from my work and put that in


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I need to know what type fuses i need for the turn signals

For your vehicle it should carry either ATO or Mini type fuses, if in doubt, take out the fuse from your car and take it to the auto parts store, as they can help you find the right fuse type and amps.

if you are not sure of the fuse amperage, buy the multi pack, which will have fuses with variety of amps, keep in mind the type, size and shape should be same.

Most if not all, automotive fuses are 12 Volts fuses.

The repair manual, Car owner's manual, the dealership can help you find out the fuse specs,and fuse box location(s) for your car.

A fuse puller or needle nose plier is helpful for servicing of the fuse.

ATO type fuse looks shaped same as the mini fuse, but larger in physical size.

MINI type fuse shaped same as the ATO fuse, but smaller in physical size.

Your vehicle may have a defective Fuse,Relay,Bulb, Bulb Connector, that is causing the malfunction.

Also check for bad connections, but don't forget to check the switch assembly, check for dust and spray it out with can of compressed air, found at computer shops.

Apply electrical grease to help keep moisture out and keep it working properly for long time trouble free.

Have a nice day.

I have a audition 150 watts x 2ch bridgeable high power amp serial # 00400274 need size of inline fuse. does not show size of fuse on diagram


if it is 150 watts TOTAL power then you should use a 15 amp fuse.
(150w / 12v = 12.5amps, 15amp fuse should provide the correct protection.)

if the system is 150 watts PER CHANNEL. then it will be 300 watts total and a 30 amp fuse should be used.
(300w / 12v = 25 amps. 30amp fuse should be used.)

30 amp is normally the highest fuse recommended for an car audio system, so i would not use higher than this without taking the unit to a qualified auto electrician, to get the system checked for safety. if you have any further questions please feel free to ask.

Blown subwoofer fuse..

Well, it should state in the manual what the replacement fuse is.

There might be a fuse holder near the pwr. plug. , Or near the controls for it. If not....

You might have to open up the sub unit ....and find the blown fuse, and remove it to see what you have. Be sure to unplug the unit before opening it up.

Take the fuse to Radio Shack, or your local electronics supplies stores. Replace with the same, or the correct fuse.

I need help finding the correct fuse for the power windows. all of the power windows stopped working at the same time, so i figured it was a fuse problem. i know where the fuse box is, but which fuse is...

this system doesnt use fuses it uses ciruit breaker for the windows,these hardly ever go bad, what does go is the wiring, remove the rubber boot in the middle of door hinges, there il bet you will find broken wires, take a look.let me know.

The time delay fuse blew...I need to replace it but list the fuse

Fuses are designed to protect systems, TD fuses are also termed AS (anti surge) these are designed to absorb the surge from the transformer or other components within the amp.

It is very important to replace the fuse with the same size and type, as this will maintain the systems safety design. Wrong size and type of fuses can cause fires.

Now, it is possible that the circuit board has an ID (indentity print) on it, have a good look with a torch, it may well be marked. If not then contact the maker support team they will be able to help you. have the size (20mm or 1.25inch) ready, the model and serial number of the amp ready when you call anybody for help.

Hope this helps, thanks for using FixYa



same size fuse as car has

Jensen LXA400 Fuse Size and RCA hook up for 2 channel mode?

take it to a stereo shop. there are variables you may not be aware of when hooking up speakers to an amplifier like ohms, very important!

What size fuse does a RCA PS27113 use?

Where the fuse are put it on the board get the capacity always be 150 volts 5 ampers

Car alarm in-line fuse

What type of alarm system is it? The size of the fuse varies slightly depending how extravagant the alarm is. You could try to low ball it and if it pops the fuse then get a slightly bigger one. You might start out at 15 amps. BUT, if you can tell me the make and model of the alarm then I might find out the correct size. I hope I can help.
-Andrew Hawkins
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