Samsung YP-K3 MP3 Player Logo
Posted on Nov 29, 2007

My 2gb yp-k3 mp3 player freezes when there is too many playlists

I bought it quite a long time ago but have only recently started using the playlists, when i put the music on it all gets jumbled up all the 1s and all the 2 and so on. but by using the playlists they are all arranged how they should. The problem is that if i use more than about 2 playlists when i turn it on it just freezes on the start up screen (samsung) when there is no playlists it is fine. I sent it back under the manufacturer's guarantee and told them it freezes. I got it back today and it is exactly the same it still freezes and all it seems that they have done is deleted all the music and playlists on it put a couple of test tracks on it and said yep its working and sent it back with no description of what was wrong with it or what they did. what should i do is there a fault? should i take it back again? is the anyway i can get the tracks to stay togeter without playlists. when i rename the tracks on the computer they dont change on the mp3 display so i dont see a way arround it.

  • 2 more comments 
  • Anonymous Dec 02, 2007

    How do you actually add music to playlists? The manual does not tell how to use the playlists feature

  • cold_shadow Jan 12, 2008

    well.. mine is a bit confusing because when i started to put playlist in my MP3... it won't show.. what should i do? how do i put playlist? ive tried it before.. like putting playlist in my mp3 but still it wont work...

  • snowbaby2423 Jun 11, 2008

    okay...i had just recently put music on my samsung YP-K3 mp3 player.....and today june10, 2008 around 4 o clock i was walikng and i was listening to bust it baby pt 2 n all of a sudden i heard a static in the head phones and my mp3 player freezes..i touched the up and down button on it but it wouldn't budge....i tried 2 turn it off but it wouldn't even turn im sad and sooooo pissed..cuz i loved dat thing like it was my its gone...i have no music 2 listen 2.....this is a problem cuz i love music...anyway...wat do i do????i really need help

  • CHILL3R45 Feb 07, 2009

    my touch screen froze and i only had it for a couple of months and i had a lot of songs and playlists but i dont know if thats the problem


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  • Posted on Jan 07, 2009
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Well, I dont know about the freezing problem...but i have a solution for changing the name of Mp3 Files....copy the whole Music folder from your samsung K3 and paste it anywhere you want and then click on your music folder, then click at each song separately and then go to its properties...from there you can change the name, artists,album and many more...and then cut the songs you have changed it and paste it on your music folder....but must remember to delete your songs in ur samsung K3 not the folder.


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  • Posted on Jan 21, 2008
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The answer is not to use more than 2 playlists. If you haven't upgraded the firmware you can try that.


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The MP3 player is charged by connecting the supplied USB cable to the MP3 player and then plugging the other end of the USB cable into the USB port of a working computer.
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There is a reset button on the mp3 player. Try pressing it using a paperclick or a pin. After reset try to connect it back to your computer. Hope this helps.

How do you create playlis on the mp3 player

Support for the YP-K3 on next site:

Click on "Software" for a download overview:
Multimedia Studio and Emodio can be used to make playlists on the computer before transferring them to the player.

Manual for YP-K3:
Look on page 28 and 29 for how to make playlists with Multimedia Studio.

Video view showing what Emodio can be used for:

If I have my YP-K3 plugged in, samsung media studio crashes immediately, and Emodio also does. I want to edit the playlists, the PLA files, is there any other way to do this?

Yes the same thing happens with me. I removed samsung media studio then I create a new folder in My documents, call it by the artist name eg The Beatles. place your mp3's in this file. Now plug in your YP-K3 and double click on it's icon in My computer go to data then music or playlists (whatever you want to do) cut the file you created in My documents and paste it in music or playlists.

yer that's what I do but aparently you can use iTunes

Hope this helps

I love samsung yp k3

that mp3 has so many problems it is not even funny.
you should replace it with a ypp2!

Who's the owner of this company?

that is what you get i hope you have to buy a new one.

Playlist and video and text

i would take it to the place of purchase and talk to one of the tech nerds about it, and if they half nothing then try to get on the k3's website for support and assistance, what does it say when you try to use the playlist or text?

Playlists disappeared from Samsung Media Studio, but still on K3!

Well you don't have to use that program. First connect you're mp3 to you're computer. If you're using a PC and not mac there's always Windows Media Player or if you click on the start button on the desktop in the bottom left corner and menu will appear. Click on my computer, there will be a list of items are one of them should be the name of your Mp3 player. Click it and you can access the files on your Mp3 player. If you wish to rather use Window Media Player open it first. On the left hand side there should be a list of the tracks on your library, playlists and you're Mp3. You can access you're files from there aswell. The other thing about windows media maker is you can also synchonize songs on to your mp3.

Sasung K3 Im using mix cd's

play on your computer in media player make a new playlist with all of your songs and then download as a complete playlist to your mp3

I lost manual, how can i put play lists on it?

normanly you can't make playlists from your mp3 player, but if you make one on your computer and then add it to your mp3 you'll have your playlist.
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