Hi, the tills raised keypad was cleaned, stopped working, receipts keep unraveling.
Good afternoon Steve.
Drying it with towels or such will sometimes work, sometimes not. Depends on what the wet was. On the drying side, for a more thorough dry, if you're comfortable taking it apart again, do so, wrap in a couple layers of paper towels, lay on a cloth towel on a cookie sheet, and put in your oven, if you can get a setting under 200 degrees F. There is often a Bread Proofing or 'Keep Warm' setting that will be in this range. Put it in overnight to let the higher temp actively drive more water out. I did this with my iPhone 4s that I inadvertently ran through the washing machine in a pants pocket. Next morning, after cooling off and re-charge, worked fine. When you're done, let the phone cool slowly - no putting it in the fridge, you'll condense water on it. Put it back together and charge, see if things improved.
the other possibility is that the source of the wet either carried crud in that's all over the electronics, or it corroded stuff. If you have corrosion, you have little to lose trying to gently clean it, but corroded electonics are rarely more than circling the drain before they fail.
As a general drying-of-electronics tip, go to a Michaels, or other craft store, and get a can of flower-drying dessicant. It's not that expensive, and made specifically to suck up moisture at room temp. Next time a phone drops in the sink, wrap it in a layer of paper towel (to keep dessicant from migrating into the earphone jack, charging port, etc), optionally warm in a gentle oven again to encourage the water to take to the air, and be patient. It works better than the dry rice that is often recommended as a moisture soaker.
Good Luck!