RCA H100 MP3 Player Logo
Posted on Nov 28, 2007

H100 Player got wet- Please help!!

My daughter apparently dropped it in water- I dried it out overnight and now I can get it to slowly boot up ( takes long time) but then I get and error message : FAT error plz connect UMS device format. Then screen sitches to : HDD. Then a screen with a little picture of the Mp3 player in the upper left corner and 3 pictures underneath. One of set of headphones, one of a little box and one of a piece of paper??? They all have arrows after them and if I press one I get another set of little pictures. One of a person with headphones on, one of a CD, one of a music note and one of a square. If I press these nothing really happens. Is this possible to fix?? I am just devistated!!

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  • Posted on Dec 16, 2007
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Joined: Dec 16, 2007

You can remove the back cover by removing the little rubber feet (2) on the backside, near the top. Then remove the 2 tiny phillips-head screws. Then slide the cover towards the head-phone jack. You can then remove the battery. This will reset the player and my help your problem.

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Dropped my phone in water now it won't start

Probably, it's done. But I would take out the battery and let it dry out overnight. Some have suggested putting the phone in a container full of rice, but I don't know if that really pulls moisture out faster than air. Blowing a fan at your phone might help. Once it's completely dried out, you may get lucky and it will start back up.

If it still won't start, you can take it to the phone store, but some phones (maybe all phones) have a small sticker inside them that changes color when it gets wet, and that voids the warranty.
Jun 06, 2016 • Cell Phones

Hi, the tills raised keypad was cleaned, stopped working, receipts keep unraveling.

Good afternoon Steve.

Drying it with towels or such will sometimes work, sometimes not. Depends on what the wet was. On the drying side, for a more thorough dry, if you're comfortable taking it apart again, do so, wrap in a couple layers of paper towels, lay on a cloth towel on a cookie sheet, and put in your oven, if you can get a setting under 200 degrees F. There is often a Bread Proofing or 'Keep Warm' setting that will be in this range. Put it in overnight to let the higher temp actively drive more water out. I did this with my iPhone 4s that I inadvertently ran through the washing machine in a pants pocket. Next morning, after cooling off and re-charge, worked fine. When you're done, let the phone cool slowly - no putting it in the fridge, you'll condense water on it. Put it back together and charge, see if things improved.

the other possibility is that the source of the wet either carried crud in that's all over the electronics, or it corroded stuff. If you have corrosion, you have little to lose trying to gently clean it, but corroded electonics are rarely more than circling the drain before they fail.

As a general drying-of-electronics tip, go to a Michaels, or other craft store, and get a can of flower-drying dessicant. It's not that expensive, and made specifically to suck up moisture at room temp. Next time a phone drops in the sink, wrap it in a layer of paper towel (to keep dessicant from migrating into the earphone jack, charging port, etc), optionally warm in a gentle oven again to encourage the water to take to the air, and be patient. It works better than the dry rice that is often recommended as a moisture soaker.

Good Luck!
Nov 18, 2015 • Cell Phones

Dropped phone in cup of water what can I do.

If it has a battery you can take out, take it out. Keep the phone in a warm dry place and do the dry rice thing again for about 3 days before putting the battery back in.
Good luck
Feb 02, 2015 • Cell Phones

My nikkoncoolpix camera feel in water but was still case help please

The camera comes apart with a screw driver; numerous little phillips screws keep the rig together. Tear it down enough until you think you've got all the places water may be residing and then put it under a low heat source like an incandescentbulb and let it slowly dry out, maybe a couple a days and then put her back together and give it a go. Don't give it battery power until you're sure there's no moisture in the electronics. If you dropped it salt water, wash it out using fresh water, then dry it out. Don't try starting it up while it's wet. Good luck

Dropped phone in water now phone will not turn on

Take the phone apart and slowly dry. I droped my phone in the lake and dryed on the dash of my vehicle for a day or two. then turned on the phone. Never try to power up a wet phone, let it dry COMPLETLY first. Good luck.

RCA H100 MP3 Player

go onto bittorrent and download the software for it. or simply look up on google "RCA Lyra H100 software" That's what google is for ;)

Phone got wet

I would definately let it dry out fully. Take the battery out and take it apart as much as you can and place in front of a fan (probably overnight). If there was water in the phone when you plugged it in it could permanently damage the phone. Even though the outside is dry, there could still be some water inside. I once had a remote control in a swimming pool overnight and followed these instructions and it worked fine after a couple days of drying. Hope this helps!

Dropped camera in pool

Open camera and place in a bag of rice for a couple of days to absorb moisture.It's worked before on cell phones.
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