PNY Verto  GeForce  FX 5200, (256 MB) PCI Graphic Card Logo

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Posted on Nov 03, 2007
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Installing GeForce 5200 on Dell Dimension 2400

Any ideas? I tried with disabling on board Intel graphic chip and still my screen comes up blank, i need help with this plz .....

  • bootiegara Nov 25, 2007

    I have the same dual vga output card but a very strange problem. It is PCI slot and have tried in two different systems. It works very well untill the windows XP welcome screen comes up. Then the screen becomes blank. It does work alright if working in BIOS, System setup, DOS etc but as soon as it goes to windows.. windows logo shows up but before going to desktop the screen becomes blank. Any suggestions/solutions pleaseeeeee. Many thanks.

  • zombie_slag Jan 23, 2009

    this is a PCI card moron. No AGP or PCIe slots on a dimension 2400, and when I install the card, winXP doesn't recognize it. Can't install the drivers and disabling the onboard gpu just leaves me with no output to my monitor. can anyone figure this out while realizing that this is a PCI card?


1 Answer

Deepu Amalan

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  • Posted on Nov 03, 2007
Deepu Amalan
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Joined: Sep 27, 2007

I suggest that better check that graphic card in another machine and make sure it is working.

Also find out the data transfer speed of your mother board through the AGP slot is compatible with your graphic card. (e.g. 4X, 8X, etc.)

If you are sure that your system really has an 8X AGP port (A choclate colored slot) then you could deffinitely install the card and work with it.

With the information I received the Dell Dimension 2400 deos not features an AGP 8X port, in that case it is not possible to install the card.

Then you should buy a new motherboard with AGP 8X Port to be able to install the Ge force FX 5200.

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That should help

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enable your onboard graphics and plug your monitor into the onboard. start up your pc and install any needed drivers for the secondary graphics card. right click on your desktop and go to your display properties you should see a faded out screen that has a 2 and a lit screen that has a 1 right click on the faded screen and check enabled then move your monitor cable over to the new vid card right click on the lit 1 and disable it making 2 your primary.

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I think maybe some how the main graphics for your pc has possibly switched to onboard. Try getting into bios F2 or DEl on boot up and highlight Advanced ChipsetFeatures and press Enter. In here make sure your AGP card is set as the Primary graphics controller. When done press ESC and 'Y' to save settings, then re-boot pc. Hope this gets you running again.
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