Need Rca part number for horiz output transistor
The H.O.T. Transistor number (original is 2SD3402 (which is no longer available)) it's replacement is the 2SC5902.
The H.O.T. Transformer part Number is RCA 271996
RCA 32V434T Q405 = 268428 confirmed,however the
initial cause of Q405 failure is bad flyback transformer
Part # 271996 Replace both at same time..........T.
Any feedback would be appreciated...................T.
I have changed dozens of Thomson IHVT's that had no odor....
Sometimes just the transformer is bad and transistor is still
OK....Usually set clicks three times..............
Leaky diodes related more in the past with failures in CTC169
chassis....big screen and direct view..........T.
I welcome your completed repair feedback...........
Usually answered in minutes!
i need the part # for the horz output also!
RCA Part Number for Q405 is 268428 (untested)
I rated it already has leaky diodes on switching
transformer switching transformer has been
a problem for years in thompson Rca etc
set is junk HOT may not be bad no odor
only reason I checked on the part# is
because it was so cheap $ mcmonline
Its a refurb sold at Walmart that I found next to a dumpster
just barely over a year old.RCA is poison around here
I am not going to bother with it unitl after the holidays
then I might take another look at it
PS In case anyone out there is looking for the
transistor that is not mcmonline, its here