Skylanders swap forces will play on my wii via the external drive, but the portal isn't been seen to play the game. how do I fix this. I use to play the game straight ffrom the wii but the wii is asking for an I now can't play real games until I get ride of the update..if I update then the external drive will get messed up. how do I baypass the update request? PLEASE HELP
SOURCE: ds game stuck inside wii
lol funny situation now maybe you should get either 2 very thin peices of wire or something sort of solid and fish it out or unscrew your console and if there are wires hanging from bits just dont touch them and keep unscrewing and remember were you took the things out from then when you get to the cd slot take the ds card out and that should work good luck
SOURCE: Wii disk error
If the console try to read the disk, but you only get whirring and clicking noise, ending up with a no disk, and if this happens with all disks then it is a lens problem.
Try first cleaning the Wii lens with a cleaner disk, that is the easiest thing to do.
If that does not work, the Wii must be opened to access the lens pickup directly, and clean the lens with Q-tips and isopropyl alcohol, or replace the lens pickup.
If the cleaner disk does not fix it, better to contact Nintendo calling the number listed on the user manual to see if they can cover the repair, or replace the Wii, before disassembling the console.
SOURCE: wii wont read discs
Fiend your solution direct from nintendo. Here is your solution....
SOURCE: My Wii won't play Game cube games
Fiend your solution direct from nintendo. Here is your solution....
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