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Posted on Oct 12, 2007
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Acer laptop/cd drive

Somewhere along the way, my driver went AWOL.  I have tried uninstalling the cdrom, even went as far as deleting the driver out of the registry.  Can't get my cdrom to recognize or get the driver to install correctly.  Acer Aspire/3680/Vista

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  • Posted on Oct 12, 2007
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Joined: Sep 01, 2007

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Related Questions:


My acer laptop cdrom does not boot start at all

Try uninstalling and reinstalling the CDROM driver via the device manager.

Right Click on Computer. Click on Manage. Go to Device Manager.

Right Click on the CDRom driver. Uninstall. Restart the computer so that windows will generate the driver. Update it. You can either go to the website of the computer's manufacturer to get the updated version of the driver or do it automatically by using RadarSync.

I hope this helps!


The dvd/cdrom drive on my pavillion laptop is not

go to start -> run here in the run box write devmgmt.msc This will lead to device manager here in disk drives or sata-ata remove ur cdrom driver by right clicking it and choose uninstall. This will uninstall the drivers for cdrom and now at the top where ur computer name displayed right click on it and select scan for hardware changes. It will automatically install drivers for it.

My laptop acer aspire4730z i got problem with my cd-rom(can't run)Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing. (Code 39) cd-rom drive(tsstcorpcd...

You have one of two problems....

1 - The driver for the cdrom drive has become corrupted somehow and needs replacing. Go out to the ACER website and download the cdrom driver specific to your make and model of computer (it is IMPORTANT that you provide specific information in the window boxes to get the correct driver for your hardware.) Once you have the new driver, uninstall the device from within Device Manager. Reboot the computer and when Windows proclaims it has found a new device, select to install the device driver from a specific location. Browse to the folder where you expanded the drivers and let Windows install and update the drivers from that location. OR the other possibility is....

2 - Your cdrom drive has died. Remedy, have it replaced.

Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing. (Code 39) Laptop Levono y530, device dvd rw optiarc AD-7580s I tried to uninstall & reinstall it, but...

Give this a whirl:
CD-Rom stops working. After checking device manager you find an exclamation mark on the drive. It doesn't mean the drive is dead. It could be an upperfilter or lowerfilter registry issue that is keeping you from accessing the cd drive.

This fix worked for my client:

Also, try this fix from microsoft.

CD-ROM access is missing and messages cite error code 31, code 32, code 19, code 39, or code 41.

Try this before replacing the drive and remember that you may have to reinstall some burning software.

My acer aspire 4720z wont play any dvd's or cdroms

go ahead and delete the upper filter and lower filter
check it in safe mode
update the driver or reinstall the driver for the drive ......

Acer Aspire AST180-EA350M cdrom driver missing

Hi, xlovelydevil.

Drivers that CD-ROM drives use are generic drivers. That is, they come with Windows and hardly can be deleted.

If your CD-ROM is not working, one or more cables inside your case may have been disconnected. You should try pushing the button on the drive to see if it will eject the bay. If it does, then the power cable is good. You should see if you can find your drive listed in My Computer to determine if Windows recognizes it.

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CD Burner

try looking in control panel>system>harware>device manager and see if there is a yellow exclamtion mark next to your cdrom, if there is right click it and make sure it is enabled, if it is click on properties and select update driver. If the driver update works and your cdrom works then fine, if not try uninstalling the cdrom drive then rebooting, this will be picked up as new hardware again and reinstalled. To uninstall it follow the instructions above to get to it and this time when you right click choose uninstall.

How to get drivers for acer 5920 laptop


Drivers listing and download links may be found here for an Acer Spire 5920. You need to scroll halfway down for the XP ones.

Hope this be of initial help/idea. Pls post back how things turned up or should you need additional information.

Good luck and kind regards.

Thank you for using FixYa.

Cd burner

Hi moose,

Go to Start>Control Panel>System>Hardware tab>Device manager. Click the + by DVD/CD-rom drives, see if your CDrom is listed. If it is, right click on it, and select Uninstall.
Reboot, and WIndows should find it, and reload it. If it doesn't show up, good chance your CDrom is dead.

Good Luck
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