No picture I hope that you can give me a clue what I may be doing wrong...or is the machine faulty? The menus come up on the screen O.K., but it will not show anything on it that the lens is pointed at. It's just a blank light grey screen (apart from the menus). Can this be fixed? Thank you. John, Adelaide.
My original answer to your problem disappeared somewhere into cyberspace (I think that I pressed the wrong button). is what me: I got an answer from another web site, and he said to take out all the ribbon leads and clean the ends. Unfortunately, you would need an electron microscope and tweezers to do that. I gave up, and took it into an agent to get a quote. The first one quoted me nearly $800, the second less than $200. The second one did the job and it worked great! I am still having a few teething problems, but it's not the camera's's mine. I'll have to read up on the manual, which I had to download from The Net, as I had lost the original one. It's 60 pages long! Hope that this has been of some help to you. JOHN.
My original answer to your problem disappeared somewhere into cyberspace (I think that I pressed the wrong button). is what me: I got an answer from another web site, and he said to take out all the ribbon leads and clean the ends. Unfortunately, you would need an electron microscope and tweezers to do that. I gave up, and took it into an agent to get a quote. The first one quoted me nearly $800, the second less than $200. The second one did the job and it worked great! I am still having a few teething problems, but it's not the camera's's mine. I'll have to read up on the manual, which I had to download from The Net, as I had lost the original one. It's 60 pages long! Hope that this has been of some help to you. JOHN.
I have the problem with a Panasonic NV-ds65. when I record or take a photo, I dont see anything in the view finder.I have the problem with a Panasonic NV-ds65. when I record or take a photo, I dont see anything in the view finder.
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I just wrote a lengthy comment, but it seemed to suddenly disappear into cyberspace. Did you get it? Let me know. John.
My original answer to your problem disappeared somewhere into cyberspace (I think that I pressed the wrong button). is what me: I got an answer from another web site, and he said to take out all the ribbon leads and clean the ends. Unfortunately, you would need an electron microscope and tweezers to do that. I gave up, and took it into an agent to get a quote. The first one quoted me nearly $800, the second less than $200. The second one did the job and it worked great! I am still having a few teething problems, but it's not the camera's's mine. I'll have to read up on the manual, which I had to download from The Net, as I had lost the original one. It's 60 pages long! Hope that this has been of some help to you. JOHN.
I have the problem with a Panasonic NV-ds65. when I record or take a photo, I dont see anything in the view finder.