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Posted on Oct 10, 2007
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Picture fault Picture has shrunk width ways, picture edges are jagged with no aerial input blue screen has flyback lines

  • stevemb Oct 10, 2007

    Should have said its a sanyo 28" widscreen Model CE28WN5

  • mbice Nov 25, 2007

    I am having problems with my RCA Model F27440. The picture is offset to the left side and i can not see the very left side of the picture is there a way to reset this? I do not know whre to begin because there is no visual setting or manual setting on the back.


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  • Expert 372 Answers
  • Posted on Oct 10, 2007
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What is picture like if you change screen size to 4-3  is this picture size ok & fault only shows in the wide screen formats.

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Related Questions:


Why does picture have blue vertical lines?

It is probably a fault in the screen assembly itself....the tapes on the screen edge lift over time and can cause thin vertical lines on the screen.

Veritcal yellow line on 50" sceptre tv

The edge ribbon connector may not be connecting (on the inside of the tv). Cure is foam strips between screen edge connecters and inside cover. Or, Memory chip (used to make the picture appear), may be bad. All flat panel tv's use a memory chip to make picture appear (it is digital after all). And if memory chips are bad, picture will have lines, jags etc. But it sounds like you have edge connecter problems. Place foam between inside cover and screen. TV may have been thrown around in shipment, and edge connecters came undone. They're very lightly soldered on some sets.

Hi, I had a problem with my Sony CRT television.

The faint background lines are vertical flyback lines. Start your diagnosis by turning the brightness and contrast controls to minimum and view the screen in a darkened room. If you can now see a raster with horizontal lines visible then it is likely that the tubes A1 screen voltage is excessive. The screen voltage is usually within the range of 400v to 600v. Adjustment for this is often part of the flyback transformer. Check all high value resistors
in the screen and focus circuitry. Some of these reistors may be
built into the flyback transformer. As the picture gets brighter the beam current increases, this will eventually cause the X ray protection circuits to trigger shuting off the set. A fault in the video drive circuits to the cathodes of the tube will cause similar symptoms but usualy results in a predominance of one colour, ie
bright red, blue or green raster with flyback lines.

The the width of the picture on my Monitor is reduced.

you may click the right button of your mouse and go to the properties.From there you can adjust the screen resolution.

The picture has shrunk - maybe 720P vs 480P?

make sure your hd cable connection from your cable box is going to an hd connection to your tv.[via hdmi, dvi,or componant.] if you have a different hook up such as rca out or coax out, these are not hd connections and you are probably streching out the picture.look at the rear of the tv & cable box and see how the connections are.the hd hook up to the hd input should make the picture the right size only if it's set on the hd input channel.hook up the dvd player to a aux/line in or video/source input and try changing the picture size. you may have to play around with it till you get it the way you want.
hope this helps.

New LCD TV Not Working!

dear one

your this probleam is with inerface card which built in tv .so called your service pepole and ask him to reinstalled the input interface card again. if you not taken it seriously it may a big problem for your tv in futre so just take an a action

Tv has lost two outer sides of vision despite changing picture mode

That's either a high voltage problem, or a deflection problem. WARNING, CRT Based Televisions have potently life threatening voltages inside them, and should be serviced by trained personnel only. With that out of the way. According to It's a capacitor failure Fault - Width and E/W correction fault Remedy - Replace R626 and C630 I don't have a manual so I can't tell you for sure what the resistor and capacitor do, or where they are located.

Tv showing blue screen with flyback lines sound ok

Flyback lines? Is the picture all white with no brightness control with faint horizontal faint lines? If this is what you are saying, the screen voltage could be bad, and if thats the case, the picture tube or the flyback itself could be bad. You could also have a bad connection on the crt socket
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