Whirlpool GGQ8831L Gas Dryer Logo

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Posted on Oct 09, 2007
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Drum turns, but no heat

I'm running out of options. Gas heater cuts off after about 10 minutes. Have thoroughly cleaned all vents (in dryer and out of house). Have replaced both hi-limit (on heating element) and cut-off (on blower) switches with brand new parts. After gas burner stops working, it looks like electric pilot is still cycling on (seeing a slight glow). Hearing a soft clicking noise - not sure if that is pilot starting or valve controlling gas. Any thoughts on what else a DIY could do - or what it might cost to fix this if it's major? Thanks in advance for the help.

  • samjoeben Oct 29, 2007

    For eggentam - here's a summary of the possible fixes that I got.  Ultimately mine was a faulty valve coil.

    Step 1 - make sure gas is on (e.g. valve not closed)

    Step 2 - make sure vent is clear and not clogged

    Step 3 - does heat come on at beginning, but then turn off and not return?.  If no, heat never comes on - then check out comment by Vish2 above.  Maybe something with pilot.

    Step 4 - Does heat come out at begining, run for 5-10 minutes then cut out - only to work later when the unit has cooled down? If yes, then could be faulty valve coil (Dryer 'M' Valve Coil Set) - $20 for parts and easy to replace.  Take off front of unit, they're on bottom left.

    Step 5 - Does heat come on only to turn off quickly?  If yes, then might be one of two thermostats - the hi-limit (on heating element) and cut-off (on blower) monitor heat levels.  Both about $14 each, easy to replace, take off back of dryer.

    That's the sum total of the fixes I did on mine.  Good luck.


2 Answers



When I had no heat I changed the thermal fuse. You reach it from the back and is held in by 1 screw. It is a cheap place to start only $13. I also told someone at work with the same problem and it fixed the problem.

Vish Iyer

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  • Posted on Oct 09, 2007
Vish Iyer
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Most likely a faulty thermocouple. The gas will get turned off if the themocouple does not sense the pilot light.


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Heating Element
A defective heating element can make a dryer too hot. If the element partially shorts out, it can produce heat all the time, regardless of whether the dryer is calling for heat. Remove the heating element to inspect it. The coils should not be touching each other or anything else.

Other Causes and Conditions
Air Flow Problem
Dryers need good ventilation to work properly. If the vent is clogged it can make the dryer too hot. Clean all of the vent tubing thoroughly.

Cycling Thermostat
Although not common, a defective cycling thermostat can make the dryer too hot. The cycling thermostat is supposed to turn on and off the heat to maintain the proper temperature. If the thermostat is defective it may keep the heat on too long. The thermostat is not adjustable or repairable, it must be replaced.

Felt Seal
Most dryers have a felt seal at the front and rear of the drum to keep the heat inside the drum. If the felt seal is worn away or missing, the dryer may keep heating and make the dryer too hot. This is not common.

Blower Wheel
A defective blower wheel will not spin properly and will not vent the hot air, making the dryer too hot. Check to see if there is adequate airflow out of the dryer.


Dryer will run about 10 minutes then shut off. Try to turn it back on and it just will buzz

Either a motor with bad windings,. or an over heating problem?
Dryer runs then shuts down wont start up for an hour:
Bad motor windings

Heating Element
A defective heating element can make a dryer too hot. If the element partially shorts out, it can produce heat all the time, regardless of whether the dryer is calling for heat. Remove the heating element to inspect it. The coils should not be touching each other or anything else.

Other Causes and Conditions
Air Flow Problem
Dryers need good ventilation to work properly. If the vent is clogged it can make the dryer too hot. Clean all of the vent tubing thoroughly.

Cycling Thermostat
Although not common, a defective cycling thermostat can make the dryer too hot. The cycling thermostat is supposed to turn on and off the heat to maintain the proper temperature. If the thermostat is defective it may keep the heat on too long. The thermostat is not adjustable or repairable, it must be replaced.

Felt Seal
Most dryers have a felt seal at the front and rear of the drum to keep the heat inside the drum. If the felt seal is worn away or missing, the dryer may keep heating and make the dryer too hot. This is not common.

Blower Wheel
A defective blower wheel will not spin properly and will not vent the hot air, making the dryer too hot. Check to see if there is adequate airflow out of the dryer.

Sep 30, 2014 • Dryers

Why does my maytag dryer medc200xw turn off in 10 minutes and has no heat

Could be overheating. It just may need a good cleaning. and make sure the dryer vent is clear with no obstructions. You may need to take some panels off. Also may be the gas valve solenoid.

Dx2300 shuts off after 10 minutes. Will turn back on. is heating

Sounds like a high limit temerature sensor. Could still have air flow blockage inside the dryer or faulty sensor.
Mar 05, 2013 • Dryers

The dryer is started and the flame starts to dry the clothes. The dryer runs for about 10 minutes then the flame goes out. The dryer continues to run but the flame is out and does not turn back on. ...

Remove the entire venting system and thoroughly clean the lint out. This does cause this problem you have for no heat after running for a few minutes

Have had a repair man out 3 times. Replaced igniter and gas regulator. Dryer will heat for a few minutes then stop heating. When I try to turn it back on, it will not turn on at all for about 10 minutes.

Are you saying the dryer will not start again after a few minutes? That is a motor [problem. Replace motor.
Are you saying dryer starts after a few minutes but will not heat? That is an air flow problem or a gas valve coil problem. Thoroughly clean EVERY single air passage in the dryer and vent tube. If that does not cure it, then replace gas valve coils if the igniter comes on and off.

Gas dry will not heat

Do this first
Remove all exhaust vent tubing and clean it out thoroughly.
Any lint build up will prevent the burner to operate
A moister sensor stops the burner when it senses lint build up
Reattach the vents now and proceed to the next steps below
If thoroughly cleaned & no build up is present start the dryer and listen for the spark ignitor to click. If it does not click the ignitor is bad. If it does click and no heat appears to come through the dryers drum within 30 seconds the moister sensor is at fault

G.E. gas dryer will not heat.

either the moister sensor is bad or the venting needs to be cleaned thoroughly. If clogged full of lint the sensor shuts down the heat until it is cleaned out
May 13, 2010 • Dryers

Kenmore Gas Dryer Gets Hot, Shuts Off Early in Cycle

Sounds like a faulty high limit or cycling thermostat. The thermostat tells the dryer to heat until the interior of the dryer reaches a certain temp. It should be mounted on the exhause duct inside the back of the dryer. It should look something like the one in the picture:

Hope this helped and best wishes.
Jul 27, 2009 • Dryers
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