I need help on how to use my calculator to find the cube root of something. How do i do it on my calculator??
There is a way to do it. I believe you go into "complex" or "math" buttons. These buttons are yellow on the calculator. Therefore, to access them you must hit "2nd" then the button.
Better yet, you can also get around this dilemma another way. You can enter "the cubed root of x" by raising x to 1/3.
For example the cubed root of x = x^(1/3). It is best to place parentheses around 1/3 so the calculator knows exactly what you mean.
Another example, the "cubed root of (x + 1)" can be entered by:
(x+1)^(1/3) Note the parenteses around both (x+1) and (1/3). This applies if the radical cover both "x" and "1".
Hope this helps.
For any root of any number do as following press 15 times root press minus 1 press divided by 3( for Cube Root) press Plus 1 press multipjy and = for 15 times
Use the Y^X function and enter Y^(1/3).
Cube root on standard calculator
From the identity:
there is a simple method to compute cube roots using a non-scientific calculator, using only the multiplication and square root buttons, after the number is on the display. No memory is required.
This process continues until the number does not change after pressing the multiplication button because the repeated square root gives 1 (this means that the solution has been figured to as many significant digits as the calculator can handle). Then, press the square root button one last time. At this point an approximation of the cube root of the original number will be shown in the display.
If the first multiplication is replaced by division, instead of the cube root, the fifth root will be shown on the display.
[edit] Why this method works
After raising x to the power in both sides of the above identity, one obtains:
The left hand side is the cube root of x.
The steps shown in the method give:
After 2nd step:
After 4th step:
HOW TO FIND CUBE ROOT - 5a73ce6093cedbc1582709165d1ea454.png093cedbc1582709165d1ea454.png" alt="5a73ce6093cedbc1582709165d1ea454.png" class="h_mi" /> HOW TO FIND CUBE ROOT - 6652fb906cb628846aede17ee4f2a251.png"/uploads/images/6652fb906cb628846aede17ee4f2a251.png" alt="6652fb906cb628846aede17ee4f2a2HOW TO FIND CUBE ROOT - 1ec17e4e3c148a7da61a1334c3e75afb.pngstep:
After computing the necessary terms according to the calculator precision, the last square root finds the right hand of (*).
good luck
SOURCE: Cube roots
You use the y^x (y to the x) key along with the 2nd function key. That does the opposite operation.
So, let's pick something we know the answer to as an example. How about the cube root of 8? We know 8 = 2 X 2 X 2, so the cube root of 8 will be 2.
Here's how:
8 2nd y^x 3 =
The display will show 2.
The three is the root you want. You can put in any number, with 2 being the square root, 3 the cube root, etc.
SOURCE: Finding a cube root on calculator
You can calculate cube roots by using the cube root function (the 2nd-shift of the 0 key). You can calculate arbitrary roots by using the x-root function (the 2nd-shift of the y^x key, just above the divide key).
SOURCE: to work out the cube root of a number
I am guessing, but, find the key that has a 3 to the left of the root symbol, looks like a check mark. Push it, then the number you want to take a cube root of, then enter.
SOURCE: how do i use the cube root function? i can find
There's a cube root function as the fourth item in the MATH menu. The fifth item is a general root function.
For example, to calculate the cube root of 8, press MATH 4 8 ENTER
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