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Posted on Oct 01, 2007
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Regarding perfomance commands

Hi, we have application in linux server, which is built in java and mysql.we need some help in takeing performance of application in linux server.your help would be appriciated in this regard.

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  • Expert 110 Answers
  • Posted on Feb 17, 2008
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Joined: Feb 17, 2008

Start with Webmin . It can provide some more visibility for your linux server's performance and resource usage.

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javac is the JavaCompiler, You've downloaded the Java Runtime. You need to download the SDK, which includes javac.

How to convert a Java Desktop application to Web-based?

1. No, it will take lots of code changes
2. Maybe
3. That depends on what its functions are
4. You may not have to convert it at all
5. Maybe, that's your choice

Can anyone tell how run java program in cmd prompt???


You need to type:

If it's a program.class

java program

or of it's a program.jar

java -jar program.jar



SOCKS is an Internet protocol that facilitates the routing of network packets between client-server applications via a proxy server. SOCKS performs at Layer 5 of the OSI model - the Session Layer (an intermediate layer between the presentation layer and the transport layer).

Clients behind a firewall may connect to a SOCKS proxy server in order to access external services through the firewall. Such a proxy server controls the eligibility of the client to access the external server and, if the client has eligibility, passes the request on to the server. SOCKS can also be used in the opposite way, allowing the clients outside the firewall ("exterior clients") to connect to servers inside the firewall (internal servers).

SOCKS software

* Kernel SOCKS Bouncer ksb26 (Kernel Socks Bouncer) is a Linux Kernel 2.6.x Loadable Kernel Module that redirects TCP connection (to user-defined target hosts) through socks 4/5 chains.
* SS5 Socks Server is an open-source SOCKS4/SOCKS5 server.
* Dante is an open-source SOCKS4/SOCKS5 implementation with commercial support developed by Inferno Nettverk A/S.
* OpenSSH allows dynamic creation of tunnels, specified via a subset of the SOCKS protocol, supporting the CONNECT command.
* WinSocks is a light-weight SOCKS4/SOCKS5 server developed by Proxy Labs.
* SOcat Multipurpose relay (SOcket CAT): includes socks4, and socks4a functionality (Linux / Mac)
* FreeCap Socksifyer for Windows, any App can run its network traffic transparently via a SOCKS or HTTP proxy.
* Simple Socks Server for Perl - SSS is a Simple SOCKS Server written in perl that implements the SOCKS v5 protocol.
* Sun Java System Web Proxy Server is a caching proxy server running on Solaris, Linux and Windows servers that supports HTtp://S, NSAPI I/O filters, dynamic reconfiguration, SOCKSv5 and reverse proxy.
* BarracudaDrive Web Server - commercial SOCKS HTTP HTTPS tunnel/server, available for Windows, embedded Linux and Mac OS X (PowerPC)
* DeleGate is a multi-purpose application level gateway and proxy server which runs on multiple platforms. Beside SOCKS it also supports HTTP(S), FTP, NNTP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, LDAP, Telnet, DNS and many more.

MYSQL Access denied

Hi Buddy,

Try this option....

mysql -u root -p

mysql will then ask you for the password give the proper password.

For changing mysql root password

mysqladmin -u root -p password <<newpwd>>

then mysql ask you to give password this is the old password and now the new password for the root will be newankush.
Sep 10, 2008 • Sun MySQL

MySQL Database

MySQL Tools
1. A SQL server : This is an engine which provides access to your databases.
2. Client programs for accessing the server : A program allows you to enter queries directly and view results
3. A client library for writing your own programs : You can write your own programs into the client library using C.
Recommended Hardware Requirements For Mysql Installation
  1. Pentium V processor
  2. 128 MB RAM
Note that MySQL can be installed on a platform with as little as 32 MB
RECOMENDED SOFTWARE TOOLS for better performance
IT is recommended to have at least 128MB memory.
You can freely download MySQL from the website MySQL runs on many varieties of UNIX, as well as on other non-UNIX systems, such as Windows and OS/2. MySQL runs on hardware from home PCs to high-end server. MySQL can be installed on Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Red Hat Fedora Linux, Debian Linux, and others
Sep 08, 2008 • Sun MySQL

MSACCESS Multi user APplication

Access is never good for multi-user with more than about 10 users! MS say: use SQL server. Of course, it all depends on the complexity of the app, the amount of data, transaction rate etc. You can also try putting the backend on a "real" server (15K rpm SCSI or sSCSI disc, Xeon CPU) and give it as much RAM as you can afford (at least 4GB) then you might get reasonable performance. If you can't do it any other way & a licence for MS SQL Server is out of the question, use MySQL as a backend: you can make Access clients talk to it as there is a free Access driver for it. You can even run MySQL under windows: you don't need Linux (although it will run faster under Linux). Setting it up is fairly easy and it will outperform an Access backend by at least an order of magnitude, if not 2 or 3 :)
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