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Anonymous Posted on Oct 04, 2013

323346 Dust Collector Set - Hitachi 323346 Dust Collector Set

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My sa380 15 inch auto planer dumps the shavings out the bottom even with the 4inch dust collector running this just started Is there a ajustment Ican make to correct this problem

Although the way you worded the questions suggests a wood shop problem, it is listed under vacuum cleaners.
I will speak to the planer being a wood shop machine.
I'd start by checking the dust collector for suction.
If it draws strongly, then perhaps you need to design a "chute" to cause the chips to go to the collector.
Perhaps a "rake" would be in order to move the chips neared the collector.
A rake nothing more than a broomstick with a flat board fastened to the end.
God bless your efforts.
Sep 08, 2016 • Vacuums

How to change the filter and wash

It you have the ball. Look on the side and you will see two small cut outs. Just screw it off and you will see the filter also there one on top of the The trash Collector. If you have the older model. Remove the trash collector and pop up the flat base under it. Wash the filters with warm water and let dry for 24 hours.

How to correct a saw dust problem on a kobalt 10 .dust does not go into chot a 2 shop vac hel

The hole behind the saw blade can become blocked solid with sawdust ( especially if the timber is green or wet). clean out the vacuum hose back to the collector.

Looking for dust collector Hitachi Vacuum Cleaner CV-BL16

Go to their website, look for your model and see if they have replacement parts.
Feb 18, 2015 • Vacuums

Dirt devil jaguar pet vacuum - no power goes to vacuum

I've literally disassembled the ENTIRE vacuum. I got it for a dollar at the local goodwill with the intent on converting it into a dust collector for my mini workshop. As others have said. The suction is abysmal. I don't think it could beat a dust vac. And that's with just the motor hooked to dirt collector. No brush, no belt, no carpet adjusting. Just a motor, dirt collector and hose. Zero suction. Removed the hose, zero suction. Remove the dirt collector, solid suction. Dunno if the dirt collector is missing a part, but I doubt that based on other replies. I'm guessing all the holes in the red tube of top chamber are the issue. But I can't easily access it. I think I may end up cutting it open to try plugging some holes or some other modifications. But this vac is garbage in its original configuration

My dyson ball has no suction ... i turn it on and sounds normal for a few seconds then it sounds like it clogs then no suction but i checked the tubes theres nothing there...

Take off the dust collector , put the machine somehwere out in the open air and switch it on if the motor runs up to speed then the probelm is inside the dust collector and it is probably a blocked hepa filter

If the motor does not run clean with the dust collector removed then you need to remove the base plate and check for blockages there

No vacumm pressure. the passages are clear and the motor runs but there is very little suction.

if you are certain no blockages ? and the dust collector is clear/clean ? have you checked that the outlet filter which is located inside dust compartment is clean/clear this is usually a gauze filter its purpose is - as vac works and draws dust into collector the air that is sucked up thro vac builds up in collector chamber or bag on most vacs? and so for vac to maintain suction the air has to be able to escape to atmosphere/room without dust which is left insude chamber/bag if fitted and so air escapes via the gauze vent as prev mentioned ? however if gauze filter is not clear to vent then vacuuum is restricted due to air drawn being unable to expel sometimes on vacs they will eventually cut off due to o/heat but will operate when cooled so may i suggest checking the above possibility ?

Kirby Ultimate G Series

Ok, I will try to explain this as well as I can. Please bear with me. Remove the dust bag, cover and all, from the machine. Attatch the shampoo tank to the part where the dust bag attatched on the machine (not on the handle). Remove all attatchments from the front of the machine, and attatch the shampoo foam "collector", ensuring that the belt is over the drive. Connect the small hose between the tank and the foam collector. Mix the water and shampoo as directed on the bottle, in the tank. Turn the knob on the top of the tank to on, then start the machine. I run the foam over about three sections, and then turn the knob back to off, lower the collector, and run back over it to pick up all the foam and dirt. I hope some of that makes sense.
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