Philips 60PP9202 60" Rear Projection HDTV-Ready Television Logo

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Posted on Sep 19, 2007
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Phillips 60PP920217F Convergence Problems

I replaced the two IC (part # 932212344682), but I still have a problem convenging the blue and the picture is concave at the top and bottom. I want to replace the resistor mentioned from other post(6.8 ohm 2 watt) , but I don't know which one. Can someone please let me know which resistors am I to replace, location, number and color if possible? And where can I get a diagram for my TV Phillips 60PP920217F? Thanks and appreciate any help.

  • 12 more comments 
  • avel Nov 13, 2007

    Thanks troylove11 and holbert, i replaced the 6 ret resistors (3155, 3156, 3157, 3158, 3159 and 3160 all RMO 1W 6R8 J) and now my tv is working great.

  • avel Nov 13, 2007

    Thanks troylove11 and holbert, i replaced the 6 ret resistors (3155, 3156, 3157, 3158, 3159 and 3160 all RMO 1W 6R8 J) and now my tv is working great.

  • Outreachman Nov 18, 2007

    My blue and red convergence will not align at the top or bottom thus creating a wave top and bottom , especially the red. I tried aligning them manually however once I move from the center they no longer respond to conergement commands.

  • Anonymous Nov 18, 2007

    tv picture is two different colors

  • Anonymous Nov 23, 2007

    I seemed to be one of many proud Philip's owners. My 38 month old Philips 60pp9202/17F convergence system is totally out of whack and in need of repair. It seems that several others have successfully fixed the issue. Any help on what to replace, where to buy it, and precautions to take would be greatly appreciated.



  • ainc Nov 23, 2007

    I seemed to one of many with a convergence problem with my 38 month old Philips 60PP9202/17F TV. The TV is too new to toss to the curb and too old to pay the $600 dollar repair bill quoted by the tech. Several people seemed successful at resolving the issue on their own. Any help on what to replace, where it is located, and where to buy it would be greatly appreciated. Also any precautions for a newbie would also be welcomed.



  • DanielB Dec 03, 2007

    I have this tv. First the green did the concave thing and now the red is. The green went out about two weeks ago, red today. I have a hard time believing I have 4 IC's bad but I don't know. Can I get more information about the resisters please and is there and central board that all the colors are controled by? There really should be a recall on this tv. I have done all the fine tuning as discribed in the post but this tv is starting to fall apart. help

  • avel Dec 06, 2007 where i bought the IC's where i bought the resistors

  • Anonymous Dec 09, 2007

    My Philips just went last night. We tried to align the red and it won't do anything. I would appreciate any suggestions. Will the resistors that don't work look like they're fried? What exactly should I get? The schematic would be nice, also. At least my washer had one in it this past year so I fixed it myself, the husband's not any good w/this stuff.

  • Bruce W Dec 23, 2007

    Any possibility someone can tell me, show me, or send me the loacation of the resistors that were replaced here - I have a very similar problem with my Philips .



  • darned Dec 23, 2007

    I do not even know where to begin fixing this thing> I have the same concave problem and dont know how to adjust. any help would be greatly appreciated

  • mexicanoo7 Dec 31, 2007

    I hope iam right in thinking that convergence problem is just the blue,
    green and red frames being off and not aligned, and if so that is the
    problem Iam having except its only with the blue. i tried to use the
    convergence tool in the menue for this but could only get the blue
    cross hairs to move left to right and not up and down. I would like to
    get a service manual so i can fix this but do not know were to get one.
    I do have a electrical background so i know i can replace any resistor
    or small components but i just need to know which ones if any need to
    be replaced. thank you for any help.

  • cmnpayne Feb 10, 2009

    I have the same problem and have no idea where to start to fix it. Has anyone fixed the problem yet and if so how did you do it?


  • chrismars114 Feb 26, 2009

    I have this same tv and I am looking for schematics on it, it is flashing red light at me also??


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  • Posted on Sep 25, 2007
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Contact me for the service manual for the 60pp9202. I have an extra copy here. [email protected]

  • Anonymous Jan 03, 2008

    After studying the service manual, schematics and parts lists, I have
    found that there are actually 12 6.8 ohm resistors in the convergence
    circuit. The parts list shows them all as the same, but on the board I
    found two that looked different. I ended up replacing them all with the
    6.8ohm 1w as per the parts list and the TV has been working great. I
    know most of the master techs here say only 1 or 2 go bad, but if you
    have the board out why not replace them all? I purchased extra of these
    resistors, and could part with some if someone needs some. Contact me
    at [email protected]



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  • Posted on Sep 21, 2007
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Sounds like you are on the right track, yes you need to change also the return resistors, they will be located close to the convergence amps you have replaced. There should be several resistors standing up around the IC's, you can lift one leg and check all resistor and the ones with same color should be the same resistance. Another way is to just replace all of them. I don't have a location for you but I have replaced a similar set 51pp9303h/17 and I think the boards are similar. So if you are this close then by all means replace all the resistors, You can go to MCMelectronics,, Tritronics, etc. To get part and also you can buy schmatics on line. Don't quite remember site but you can search. I think it was 11.99 for downloading for my set. So hope this helps.


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Related Questions:


Double Blue Halo Effect and Blurry Blue Picture

thats a problem with the Blue CRTs coolant needing replacement. If you look directly into the blue and green CRTs while its playing you should notice a bunch of crud inside the lens indicating that the coolant needs replacement. You can get the coolant replacement kit for a phillips at the following link which includes the coolant and instructions

Phillips 60pp9202/17f projection convergence

what about blue? this is an indication that maybe one of the convergence ic have failed. generally you replace both. falure of the ic can also be sympton of other problems.. The oputput ic resistors. the covergence power fuses. but the first step is to replace the ics

Phillips 60pp920217f My TV has a problem with the red and blue convergence. I am unable to adjust

The problem you are having is with your convergence amps your set uses STK 392-120's if you replace them you will get your convergence adjustment back, Philips part number is 932212344682

Phillips 60PP920217F Convergence Problems

You will need two STK392-120 Convergence ICs and about 4 6.8 ohm 1watt resistors. You can get replacement ICs and resistors at the following link and they provide free instalation instructions with pictures so you can do the job yourself. Here is the link.

My phillips model 60pp920217f has a horrible green to the color

The green CRT coolant has congealed thats whats giving you the green halos. Change the coolant in the green and blue and your set will be fine. red is never affected so the red coolant should be fine.


Are the colors out of alignment and unable to converge back? If so its the convergence ICs need replacing. If the convergence isnt out of alignment you have whats called a pincushion problem. If you would like a link to where you can obtain the service manual for this model let me know.

Convengence problem?

the stk ic . the big amp chip has cold solder joints . resolder the ic

Convergence problem

At present, bad connect(s) on red convergence IC. Soldering pins will fix temporarily.
Usual fix = replace STK392-110  IC's. A 400.00 dollar repair at
your local tv shop......T.

Phillips 60PP9202 Convergence Problems

The two convergence IC's are generic part# STK392-120 (Philips original part# 932212344682) The two resistors are sitting side by side (6.8 ohm 2 watt)

Phillips 60PP920217F Convergence Problems

replace ic chips pt# stk392-120 or stk392- 150 and there are 12 resistors located near ic clips pt# 6r8 ( color code blue - gray - gold - gold ) board location no#s 3149 thu 3160 if you look close you may find two resistors discolored as i found on my convergence circut board , also use heat sink compound on new ic chips , take your time to mark all wire connectors going to board from tv , also use .022 dia gage rosin -core solder and a 15- 25 watt soldering iron you may have to adjust the red - blue convergence afterwards my tv set is 3 yrs old also ( thanks holbert )
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