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Posted on Sep 13, 2007

PCI-E boot problem

The motherboard boots on an old PCI-card but doesn´t boot with the Powercolor Radeon X300SE (R37L-SC3B) 128MB. Is a PCI-E card. The strange thing is that my friend claims that it ever worked. You have any suggestion what I best do? I don´t have an other motherboard with PCI-E to test the card.

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  • Contributor 54 Answers
  • Posted on Sep 20, 2007
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Ic, try to go at cmos/bios set-up there you can choose what vga port you prefer to use to boot from.

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Need more information on the exact problem and what and where you downloaded. I assume you are replacing the integrated video adapter with a PCI expansion slot.

You must disable the integrated Motherboard video adapter in the BIOS. The new card must be compatible with the expansion bus in your computer. New drivers new from the manufacturer must be installed before the PCI express card.

Follow the instructions included with the new graphics card.

R92p drivers for windows 7

There are no Win7 or Vista drivers for this card, it's not supported in them since it doesn't have the minimum characteristics necessary for that.

I have been using a integrated nivida geforce and i barely bought the RADEON HD 6850. i put RADEON HD AX6850 into the pci-e and i tried to connect it to the video cable to my monitor but my monitor...

You will probably have to boot into your BIOS by pressing F2 or DEL, depending on your motherboard. I'm not sure what motherboard you have but I think you're smart enough to find the setting that says use the video card instead of on board graphics.
Remember to do this while connected to "motherboard" graphics then switch over to the video card.

I hope this helps.

Tried to install a new graphics card ATI RADEON X300SE128mb DDR 16x PCI Express Video Card, but it's not cooperating. My processoreis AMD Athlon(tm) 64 3700+ 1MB Socket 939 CPU. When I install card my...

Have you uninstalled the previous video driver? Do that before installing a new card. Have you disabled it in the BIOS? Do that immediately after you have installed the new one, before entering Windows,

What dual video card is compatible with the M52?

The 256MB ATI Radeon HD 2400 XT Dual-VGA or Dual-DVI, TV-Out Graphics Card (43R1962)

The 128MB ATI RADEON X300 VGA, VGA PCI-e Dual Head Graphics Adapter (40Y8405)
The 64MB NVIDIA GeForce 6200 VGA PCI-e Dual Head ThinkCentre Graphics Adapter (73P2517)
The 256MB ATI Radeon X1300 Dual-VGA or Dual-DVI, TV-out PCI-Express Graphics Adapter (41U5028)
The 128MB ATI RADEON X300SE Dual-VGA or Dual-DVI Dual Head ThinkCentre and Lenovo PCI-e graphics adapter (41U4813)
The 128MB ATI RADEON X700 VGA, DVI-I, TV-Out PCI-e Dual Head ThinkCentre Graphics Adapter (73P2518)

All above are compatible with the ThinkCentre M52. Hope this helps, Best Regards, - md

Stupid anoying grahics card problem

Ok, try this.  Uninstall the PCI gfx card drivers and remove the card.  Reboot.  Go to your Device Manager and disable the integrated card, do not worry about uninstalling it. Shutdown the PC, and then insert the PCI card. Also, make sure in the BIOS that you have integrated gfx disabled.  Then if you can boot with monitor plugged into the PCI card you should be able to reinstall the drivers for that card, and everything should work.  If not, please let me know.  Also, if you downloaded the drivers for the PCI card, try downloading them again as it's possible your download was corrupted.

No display at post

There are a few things that can cause no display on the monitor.
That single beep means POST = Power On Self Test. Post has tested everything on you're board to be good.
The cable between video card & monitor may be bad or not connected correctly (Swap out the cable as last resort).
2. You're monitor is defective, try swapping it with known working monitor.
3. You're video card is not functioning.
Lastly, when you reset the system cmos/bios everything went back to default. This means you're bios is now using the onboard PCI video graphics. Remove you're radeon 9600 video card. Try booting the system. You should see display again. The only way to test you're radeon would be to boot to the bios & set bios to boot using the AGP radeon. You need to change Init Display First to AGP & not PCI. If you loose video than you know you're AGP card is bad. Reset the cmos/bios before adding another AGP card or you will not get display. This setting is on pg 3-5. Integrated Peripherals. If you need you're manual you can download it from this link:

Good Luck!
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