I bought some ntsc/uc disks but then i realised my ps2 only reads PAL. then i bought a new laser described as New PS2 PLAY STATION 2 Slimline LASER LENS PVR-802 V12 from ebay for my slim ps2. after that i installed the laser on my slim ps2 but then neither my PAL or my ntsc/uc disks spinned so i put my old laser back in my ps2 and my PAL cds spinned again. what can i do to make my disks spin on my new laser?
Did you remove the anti static solder blob (point) on your new laser with a soldering iron and solder wick prior to installing it? The symptons your explaining indicate that point is still intact, If so you will need to carefully remove it first then reinstall the laser and try again.
Have you removed the solder blob yet, This is almost certainly the problem if the instal of the laser is good? Please update..
can you show me what the solder bridge looks like on the new slim lasers and where it is?
yes i compared it to the old one that came out and can not find the anti-static solder like on the xbox 360 lasers?Do you know where about it would be on there as i did not find a spot for it.
Usually answered in minutes!
Where is the solder blob point on the new laser?
Ps2 75001 disk spins laser comes on but it won't read anything
no new laser just disk cannot be read