Two problems really: Picture started getting dim when set was 1 year old; Blink off & on problem progressed to constant. TV is unplugged. 1st diagnosis: Removed lamp module. Top covered with fine particles blocking top wire-mesh screen 100%. Not dust. Light grey color. Carefully vacuumed and replaced module. By the way the polycarbonite lens is discolored and smeary in appearance, probably from heat not being able to dissipate through top wire-mesh. TV worked for 1 week, then blinking resumed. No new deposits on lamp module. Believe Sony should acknowledge this defect and replace the set.
If the lamp is foggy then you really need to replace it. The lamp life is typically 5 to 7 thousand hours. However if your tv gets a lot of dust inside which is pretty normal as most people don't vacuum the dust off from the rear cover on a regular basis then the lamp life will be drastically reduced. I suggest you replace the lamp and make sure the inside of the tv gets vacummed out to remove as much dust as possible. A Sony servicer should be able to check the amount of hours on your lamp. You'd be suprised how soon 5-7 thousand hours happens. If the lamp will not come on after replacing it the lamp driver may be at fault. You haven't said how may times it's blinking. If it's 5 then the lamp driver may be at fault.
Usually answered in minutes!
Even though extended warranty was purchased at time of sale from CircCity, Sony tech did discuss problem. His advice: tell the warranty people that the lamp is definitely the problem. Replaced lamp. New module does not have wire mesh screen. Picture is once again excellent. Set is still reluctant to turn on once in a while. Power indicator flashes green then goes to red. At these times, no sound of cooling fan coming on is heard. Comes on normally after 2-3 tries (so far). Not a daily occurrance.