Possible your outlet filter is blocked, find it and clean out. Look into yr users' manual
The outlet filter on most machines is at the bottom right front corner. A small door which you can push; inside you will find a plastic knob which you turn anti-clock to open; be prepared for some water to flow out. Could be a flood, depending what you hv in the machine. This could be drained out by lowering the drain pipe (in the wall) into bucket......but the dr pipe should be fitted back in the exact position..........
Usually answered in minutes!
Where is the outlet filter on the Kenmore 80 Series washer?
My whirpool washing machine stopped spinning, it shows FL..what does it mean? what can I do to have it work again?any suggestion, thier customer service is closed on weekends, I dont't what to do for now, need to wash my clothes...help please...thanks