Xante Accel-a-Writer 4G Laser Printer Logo

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Posted on Sep 06, 2007

Producing Negative film

Hi there I am in need of some help. I need to find a printer that will run negative film. We need to use this film to then make magnesium dies and metal plates. We are starting off as a small business and can't afford to pay out for a imagesetter. Will this printer do the trick or is there any other.

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  • Posted on Oct 24, 2007
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Joined: Oct 24, 2007

The 4g wil not be the solution for you.  It is just a basic graphics printer.  The filmmaker 4 will be the option you should look at.  It will produce negs and positives all the way up to 2400 dpi.

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Scan slide negatives film

I have had that problem with the MX310.
depending on what IOS you are running
you can get software free that will scan
Transparencies "opposite"

How to scan x ray film

scanning xray film is not possible in this model. you need a negative scanner to do that.

normally in software you have an option called negative. this option convert the positive image into negative. but it will not give exact output what we need. you can try this option also.


Chances are that somewhere in your family photo collections you have a bunch of slides and negatives that you wish you could do more with. You may want to include them in your family history, to publish them on the Web, or simply to make digital copies so you can share them with the family.

If you've ever tried to scan a negative or slide on a regular flatbed scanner, you'll know that it doesn't work, and you end up with a pure black scan. In this article we'll show you how you get your negatives and slides into digital format, and what issues you may face along the way.

pixblue.gif Benefits Of Scanning Film

There are some key benefits to scanning film (we'll use the term to include slides and negatives) in comparison to scanning a photo. When you scan film, you can use the full area of the slide or negative, whereas a photo will generally only display a cropped portion of the original. You are also scanning the original source image rather than the color corrected and tweaked version of it that the photo processor has provided you with. The process of turning a negative image into a positive one involves inverting the colors in the image and removing the orange cast from the negative. This would be a complicated process if you were doing it by hand; however, your scanner will provide you with software to do this automatically, or you can purchase standalone software to do it.

Most cheaper flatbed scanners are designed to scan photos and other images that reflect light when it is shone onto them. The problem is that film is transparent and light passes through it rather than being reflected off it. Many flatbed scanners have an optional transparency adapter, which replaces the scanner lid with a larger box shaped ob....

Negative or positive option is not available on drop down menu on select source on ScanGear CS so how do I scan film? I am trying to scan 35mm film on my Canon 5200 F scanner using ScanGear. The manual...

I just had the same problem, turned out my FAU cable was not properly connected. Ensure that the cable is all the way inserted at the back of your printer, and connect the device to your computer. I hope this will work for you too:)

How to scann photographic film fith epson scanner

Hi, I'm sorry to saythat this unit (DX4400) doesnt have the facility for film/negative scans

How do I scan a 35mm film negative with my HP PhotoSmart C6180?


I regret to inform that hp Photosmart C6180 does not support scanning negatives.



Negative Scanning Problem Using Epson Scan Software

Make sure the rectangular slots at either end of the film frame are not obstructed or covered in any way. When I attempted to scan color negatives I had the same darkness problem in the scanned image. When I cleared those rectangular slots, everything was fine. I hope this helps.

Scanned negatives are not sharp.

One workaround is this: use the holder for the negatives as a guide but not as a holder as such.
To do this, place the film negative directly on the glass plate, then put the negative holder (completely assembled) on top of it; align the film and the holder so that the frames on the filmstrip line up with the marks on the holder correctly.
Now, close the lid and follow the normal procedure for scanning negatives. They're noticeably sharper this way, suggesting that the scanner's focus is set for items placed directly on the glass plate. I have no idea why focus isn't adjusted correctly for negatives, which site a millimetre or two above the glass.

CanoScan 4400f

Keep the protective cover on except when scanning slides or film.
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