LaCie Design by F. A. Porsche 160 GB Hard Drive Logo

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Posted on Sep 06, 2007

LaCie Porshe 500GB

I have used 95 GB of my drive and have "369GB" left, im trying to move a 4GB file onto the drive, but its telling me there is not enough space and to do a disk cleanup or delete files, i did a disk cleanup to no avail.

1 Answer



If it's a fat32 formatted disc, then it won't recognize a 4GB file. that's the nature of fat32, i'm afraid.

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My Lacie isn't letting me move files onto it. I need to move movie files over from my mac to the Lacie, but it's not working. I had added .wav files a few months ago, and those are accessible, but now that...

did you use your drive with a PC too?
What you describe is commonly linked to a drive formatted as NTFS (a windows partition format) which is read only on a plain MAC system. There are add ons you can install on your MAC to make NTFS writable. I can direct you to one if you need.
Another possibility is that your drive is formatted as MS-Dos (FAT32) which is read and write enabled for both PC and MAC, but it has the negative aspect of limiting file size to 4GB. So in your case, maybe your movie files are larger then 4GB and your drive is formatted Fat 32.
To verify the format of the drive, go to DIsk utility, select the LaCie drive and read the information that shows at the bottom of the Disk Utility window.

Lacie ext hard drive, 500 GB, doesn't show files but 123GB used

you can always recover your files with the program undelete . exe
verry good working tool.
if you are interested

LaCie 2d 500GB isnt recognized

Has the drive been formatted? Before using a hdd it has to be formatted. In Windows XP you have choices of FAT 32 or NTFS format. Hope this helps.

Does not mount, Fan not spinning. 500gb D2 quadra

take the drive out and put it in a external case and see if that helps. if not the drive is dead.

Lacie 320 GB Hard Drive acting as if full when it's not.

Simplest solution: back up the data on the drive and repartition it (which will wipe it). Otherwise it sounds like it could be a problem with the file tree or structure of the drive, the configuration files could be corrupt, some program could have stored temporary files in a hidden place that cannot be deleted without making the program delete them, etc. If you are on a mac, spotlight Disk Utility and use it to repartition. If you are on a PC use the search thing from the start menu and find a program called disk management (or something similar to that, you'll know it when you see it.) external drives are annoying. i kick mine into the wall periodically for good measure.

Drive Full After Backing-Up Just Under 4gb of Files

Are you trying to create one giant zip file or something similar? It sounds as if your Lacie 250gb hard drive has been formatted with a FAT32 filesystem and you are running into the maximum file size limit of 4gb minus 1 byte. Try just copying your files without using any compression utility or try reformatting your Lacie 250gb hard drive with the NTFS filesystem instead.

File transfer size limitation for LACIE HD


can i suggest that you use winrar to divide the file size of your file that you want to transfer to your lacie. this might work.

download winrar @

but if you LACIE still says that it does not have any disk space left...i would suggest that you reformat the HD instead. but make that a last resort...

hope this helps
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