Sounds like you have a coincidental hardware failure. The reset button usually sets the monitor to factory default which is good in most uses. A rolling pattern on the screen is occasionally due to electronic interferrence such as a mobile phone in the vacinity. As you say your screen is fading completely suggests a hardware failure and nothing to do with your pressing the reset. If your monitor is less than 3 years old (standard screen warranty) I would contact the manufacturer and they may send you a new one.
Usually answered in minutes!
I have the same problem It was working fine and I went in the other room for a few minutes and came back and it had scrolling vertical BAR lines on it! I've only had it for about 2 weeks bought it from a friend that only used it a couple times.... He said he had never seen it do that way before... Anyway maybe it will fix it self can figure it out I have tried every set I can think of to fix it...
Anyway your not alone.