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Posted on Sep 02, 2007

No connect with 3com router so what to do - 3Com OfficeConnect Router

  • DavePB Jan 13, 2009

    I have something similar. Suggest the following (and include my status here):

    1. Check Status LEDs (power on, sync, online, WLAN off)

    2. Check LAN status (all off. LAN port in use occasionally flickers but not constant like normal)

    3. Hard reboot: power out, wait, plug back in (no change).

    4. Reset using button on back (no change)

    5. Try logging into device (cannot connect)

    It was a great router, but I think it's a gonner! Time for a swanky new N-series :)

    BTW: I once had the PSU fail (no lights, completely dead) and had to replace that.


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  • Posted on Sep 11, 2007
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A router connects to a modem. It also connects to computers in your building. Which end of this are you having trouble with? You can tell what is connected to your router by the lights on the front of it. There should be a light labelled WAN, modem or Internet. Is it lit up? There should be other lights for the connections to computers. Are they lit up? Is it a wireless router and are you connected to it that way? If so, other questions must be answered. On the internet side, check your modem to see if it has connected to the outside world. Consult the manual to see what the lights indicate. There is a procedure that must be followed to make the connection to your internet service provider, including making arrangements to pay for the service and getting a user name and password. If you want help on that from here, you must provide the name of your service provider and a description of the modem and its lights and tell us what you have done so far. On the computer side, you need cables to connect the computers to the router. The operating system on the computer may make the connection automatically, but quite likely some setup will be necessary. On a Windows computer, you would begin in Start-control panel-networking-Network Setup Wizard.

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How to reset it?

Open your browser and enter the 3Com URL configuration address
Then go to the Menu Screen and select Reset to Factory Defaults.
When to change the rouer's wireless settings then you will also need to apply these changes to your wireless card in the computer so it can connect to the 3Com router.

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For 3com type of routers, you must connect firstly to 3com setup, By:
First: open your browser and type
Second: you will find adapter setting and reset it, it all depends upon your router's software.
Third: the easiest way is to reset it from the small button in the back of your router.

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Unless, you can try another computer to connect or there is a tiny (and I mean sometimes pinhole) reset button to push, it may have seen its last day. It has happenned to me and I picked up a little 35 dollar Belkin that worked great.

3com linkbuilder TP/8 I bought a used 3com linkbuilder TP/8 and have no manual. Is this a wireless router? at the back there is BNC port. What is it for? Thank you

I am pretty sure what you have is an ethernet hub..not a wireless router. It would be used as a distribution site for a shared network. The BNC port is a connection for coaxial cable.

3com router encryption

Go to option menu-click the security option

Se the password under the any one of the security parameter

save the configuration

Router problems


The default password is admin.
Please see this link for the default settings and password for your 3com router---

Default Password

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3com wireless router and Sympatico

well you could probley find a better router that the model you have it is probey a older model and probley will not work on some computers.

No no connect with 3com router so what to do

What do you mean by no connect? do you mean no sync DSL light flashing or not getting an IP Address, or not routing through the network? please explain.
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