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Posted on Aug 29, 2007
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We cannot hear a ring on incoming calls

We no longer can hear a "ring" when we receive incoming calls. The calls come in, but we have to watch the buttons on the phone to see when they light up in order to answer the phone.

  • 1 more comment 
  • Anonymous Mar 12, 2014

    Only rings twice before automatically going to answering service

  • Anonymous Mar 26, 2014

    When someone selects an extension instead of ringing through to the specified phone the all shows up as on hold

  • Anonymous Mar 29, 2014

    the phone rings on an incoming call but starts flashing green light when switched on


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  • Posted on Aug 30, 2007
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Joined: Jul 05, 2007

Sounds like your system defaulted. Only a few phones ring at system default and you may not have those ports connected. First, you need to figure out which Comdial Impact system you have. The phone will work on a few different Comdial systems. Find the main box and get a model number from that. You'll have to tackle re-programming ringing yourself or pay a local company to do it. If you do it yourself you will need the "programming and installation" manual specific for your system. A "user guide" will be of no use to you. You can search the net for "Comdial Digitech, Impact & Impression Programming & Installation Manual" Next, I would suggest a UPS backup for your system so this does not happen again. Unless you have a large carded system with dozens of phones, your phones require less power than a typical computer so a UPS made for a computer will be fine. The system will default either when the system memory battery goes too low or I have seen a few cases where power fluctuations will cause it (like when the power goes on-off-on-off rapidly in a storm) either way a UPS system with surge protection will help.

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