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Posted on Aug 25, 2007
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Convergence lost i woke this morning to find that all three tubes have gone out of alignment. what, if anything, can be done and how much will it cost? thank you in advance for any help or advice.

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  • Expert 398 Answers
  • Posted on Aug 27, 2007
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If all 3 colors have gone out of alignment, it means that the power supply for the convergence output IC's has stopped working. This usually happens when one of the IC's shorts out and overloads the power supply, causing the diodes and/or low value resistors to burn out. The bad convergence IC should be replaced and the power supply restored by a qualified tech familiar with Mitsubishi projection sets. When I do a housecall for a set like that I charge $150, but shops in your area will vary so be sure to ask around.

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The convergence amplifier is a three channel Integrated circuit which controls the convergence alignment of the three picture tubes in a rear projection TV. Your convergence amps are STK392-110 there are two of them also check the six 2.2 ohm 2watt resistors

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These procedures are from the owners manual, go into menu and then picture quality and then: Convergence The Convergence feature lets you adjust the TV’s three tubes. When the TV tubes’ images are precisely aligned, they create the color images you see on the screen. Over time, the picture can drift out of alignment (this is normal). If your picture seems fuzzy or has a yellow tint, using Convergence could correct this misalignment. Only one convergence is needed for all inputs, regardless of the signal format. Note: Make sure the TV has been on for at least 30 minutes (TV needs to warm up for best results) before starting Auto Converge or Red/Blue Centering. When you select the Convergence feature, a submenu appears with three options: Auto Converge Automatically aligns the projection lenses to self-correct color images. You’ll see flashing squares of color dance across the screen (this is normal). Note: After performing auto convergence, use the Blue Centering and Red Centering menus to fine tune convergence in the center of the screen, if necessary. Blue Centering Aligns the blue and green images to fine-tune the picture. Red Centering Aligns the red and green images to fine-tune the picture. Note: The ability to change channels is disabled when adjusting the convergence options. The TV must be tuned to a usable signal to converge the picture.

Colors out of alignment

If you have background in electronics, you can do it. The difficult part here is on how to access those convergence amp(convergence circuit output IC). By replacing those 2 IC and some resistors sometimes, adjust the convergence and your done. Good Luck

I have a 60sx2k alignment won't hold

There can be a number of causes for this behavior. At this point I would suspect the convergence ICs. If you can solder, I would start by resoldering the pins of the convergence ICs. If that does not resolve the problem, then I would next change the ICs. I really believe that the solder connections are the problem as the unit would not converge were the ICs defective.

Please keep us posted on your progress.


Dissapearing pictures

The new XD cards are very fast and you did not say how you deleted the memory but your best bet is to use your computer to delete and you can verify that it was done. Be careful in handling and inserting the cards the alignment is critical. I accidentally sparked some old memory and lost all of my pictures. This is the reason I upgraded to the XD type of camera. I save all on my drive before I delete any. You may find the new pictures in a different area using your computer.

Fuzzy picture

never adjust the tubes themselves( No-NO) these are affixed to the chasis in one position and not to be moved. no adjustments should ever be attempted to anything directly attached to the tubes. this will throw off centering, soft-focus, & convergence alignments. it can be corrected but a huge burr on the bottom of the foot! what you have are faulty convergence ic's and maybe sme low-ohm resistors that are bad. repair in-home should not exceed 350.00. parts and labor. mch

Picture is concave on top and bottom. With ed and green ghosts.Worked fine, turn set off and on about 15 minutes later and picture was as described. Help!

The convergence chips in your tv have gone out. They control the three picture tubes and align them so that they create one picture on your screen. I recomend having a qualified technican replace them and realign you convergence. Thanks.


The convergence IC's should be the first suspect in any convergence issue. Hopefully you can place the magnets back where they were or you will have that alignment to deal with first.
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