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Posted on Aug 25, 2007
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I want to create tables in ms access

I dont know anything about ms-access

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  • Master 2,961 Answers
  • Posted on Aug 25, 2007
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Because access is such a complicated programme, to reply to your question would take an age, so go to the site below for help on how to use it.

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MS Access database recovery

Have you tried creating a NEW MDB, and then IMPORTING the objects from the Crashed/Corrupted MDB?

This will SOMETIMES serve to rescue most if not all of the corrupted entities .

You can try:
eRepair Access is a powerful Access database recovery solution for damaged *.mdb and *.accdb files created in Access 2000 and above. Having such a tool at hand immediately after a database file corruption incident may save you a great deal of time, nerve and, of course, an ample amount of money that would otherwise be paid to third-party recovery services. With eRepair Access, you don't need to depend on anyone and entrust your Access data (often quite sensitive) into somebody else's hands. You don't have to wait. You don't have to call it a day knowing that the damaged Access file will not be restored (if at all) until tomorrow. With eRepair Access, you can be back in the game within minutes!

For more information:

If doesn't help, look here:

Can u plz mail me tha easiest way to use Ms Access, like Creating relationship, with the table, creating form, query etc.

In general you initiate this process by pressing the "Relationships" button on the MS Access toolbar. It is the button with three small boxes arranged in a triangle shape.

When it first comes up it will give you the option to add tables. You can add any set of tables including the possibility of adding one table more than once (you would do this if you wanted to create a relationship between fields in the same table).

Once you see the tables you're interested in, you simply drag the field from one table over a field in another table. The fields should be those that will define the relationship. Once done, you should see an Edit Relationships window. You can get back to the Edit Relationships window later by double clicking the line in the relationships window.

MS Access does a good job of figuring out the relationship type. For example, if you match a field in one table, that is not a key, with a primary key in another table, Access will make this a Many-to-One relationship.

This can become a very deep subject. Hope this at least gets you in the right direction.

DAO in vb

Nice try. Find an upper-class student to give you one-on-one tutoring with your homework.

Connectivity between HTML page and Ms-Access

Set MyConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
MdbFilePath = Server.MapPath("sample.mdb")
MyConn.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & MdbFilePath & ";"
SQL_query = "SELECT * FROM Friends"
Set RS = MyConn.Execute(SQL_query)
<LI><%=RS("Name")%>: <A HREF="<%=RS("Link")%>">Homepage</A>


Creating a table in Ms-Access

Have you tried to name the table Tiny_tots? it might make it work. Sometimes programs are funny about letting you have spaces in the name.

How to use passwd character in a table in ms-access 2003

When you create table where you want to store passwords, go to Edit Table, then select a field where the password will be stored, go to Input Mask field in Properties and type Password in that field. That will set up the field needed for storing passwords.

MS-ACCESS fields

It is not possible. Access only allows 255 fields per table and 32,768 tables in a single .mdb file. You should never let a table get that big. Creating small tables is the better option for best performance and manageability.

Hope this helps! : )

MS access 2003 problem

I do not know the pogramme in MS access I know the simple course of MS Access.Please kindly send me full verson of MS Access programme course in my mail Id
[email protected]

Ms access

before this u should know what is databse.
ms access has various objects likw table,form,query,report etc..
table is a object which stores the actual data and form is used to enter the data in to the table and display the data from the table, while report is object which is used to desplay your data in required formate.Query is used to fetch the data from the table in customised formate.for that u should have knowledge of SQL.

How many primary keys in MS.Access

No, there cannot be two primary keys in one table. You can specify more than one value to make up the primary key. For example, instead of just the last name column - you can have the last name and employee ID fields make up the primary key. If you don't specify a primary key, MS Access will usually ask you if you would like them to create it for you. You may be thinking about foreign keys. A table can have two or more primary keys in them but they would serve as foreign keys. For example - lets say you have table A with primary key "A" and table B with primary key "B". You can create table C and have both primary keys from tables A & B in it, however, they would be foreign keys in table C and not primary keys (they are only primary keys in their respective tables).
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