HERE IS SOME BAD NEWS.... This is stupid considering it is possible that people change e-mail addresses.
You cannot unlink the primary gamertag to your primary Windows Live ID.
Please note that online primary profiles are attached to the primary Windows Live ID that was created the time you joined Xbox Live. You cannot unlink these. Even if it is no longer used, it will still appear in our database as a history of a certain gamer way back. No one can use it again.
Best Regards,
Microsoft XBOX Support Services
I forget my email address been years since i used it.. How can i get back on line and play games ???
Well then...does anyone actually know the awnser!!! this is REALLY aggrivating!
I dont get it its soo dumb!!!!!!!!!! i tried everything but nothing works i really wish Microsoft would make it more simple
Its simple, if you are dying to play it, create a new account, its short and easy. sorry... when you made your "donkeys year" old GT, did you say "Yes" to the message that popped up saying "I want to link this email address to my GT"? that usually helps... otherwise, idk what to tell you other than you are SOL.
Usually answered in minutes!
The same exact problem except my harddrive went dead so i bought a memorycard to at least recover my Gamertag before my new harddrive came in. It sayds the same thing about the windows id not being linked, i tried to change the info but still nothing works, wtf microsoft
when i try to recover my gamertag that i erased yesterday in order to fix another problem it comes up with the error that my windows live id is not associated with my gamertag. i called up support like 10 times and they are telling me to reset my password for the id linked to the gamertag which is [email protected] but i tried doing that and it said the id wasnt existent. idk what i am going to do but i need my gamertag back. i tried creating an id with the same email which windows live let me do and then going on live and trying to recover my gamertag but it still says the id is not associated with my gamertag. i also tried contacting windows live ppl and they gave me answers that did not help at all. can someone please help??!
yah same here...gay
same here. is there any way we can tell Microsoft to add a 're associate my Windows Live ID (or whatever email) with my gamer tag' service and actually get them to do it?!
lol that would be GREAT!
i really want my GT too, played on it since Classic XBOX realize and when i upgraded to 360 thats when i had my problem.
i bought xbox live like 3 months ago and now the gamertag that i have be useing with all my points and stuff on it is saying that same thing. i have never had xbox live before and want to play online.
bought the elite today, used live this morning and when I tried to recover my GT to it it comes up with "windows live id cannot associate with that gamertag" I have checked that the windows live id is correct by logging on to the internet with it, and the gamertag I have had for donkeys years, spoke to xbox and they dont have a clue???? The way I read it is that the info is all correct just not linked together. Also when I go on the xbox website and try to log on so that my gamer card etc shows it sends me straight to registration wizard??? But like I said I have had my GT for 3 years now.??? Pleased help as I am dying to play my new xbox..
I had my gamertag for two years now, and accidentally deleted it, and now when I try to recover it, it says: This windows live ID is not associated with your gamertag.
I have this EXACT problem, I accidentally deleted my Windows MSN account, and now I can't recover my gamertag or log onto the website like you and it's because they are now not associated. When i've phoned Xbox up they ahve told me I can add a new Windows live Id to my Gamertag but for some reason it wont let me and just gives me an error message!!
Same problem... even have the original email [email protected] but getting bad name/pwd on xbox 360 for live id.
go to passport.net to RESET pswd and it appears that there is no associated windows live id. so i created one for that email address. now xbox 360 says gamertag and live id not linked.... same problem. xbox.com only lets you use a new gamertag as stated here. Its now 2009... anyone found a fix yet???
I was in the middle of a game on halo 3 and it just signed me out. i tried to log back on and it said my account has been recovered on a differend console?!!? so i tried to recover it and it said my windows live id is not associated with my gamertag. please help!
Pretty much the same. Except that I'm trying to recover my gamertag on a friend's console when I'm coming over.