READ ERROR Every time I try to go back and review a picture a grey screen appears across the LCD and says READ ERROR, and no picture will upload on the USB. I don't have a manual and don't know how to fix it, does anyone know how or why it's doing this and if it can be fixed?
Go into your camera's setting menus, there should be an option to format card. Format the card and take a sample picture then try to see if it worked. If not you'll need try another card. Stop by a local camera shop the'll be able to test the card and camera to see if you need repair.
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? 1:38
Oct 19, 2014 - Uploaded by EurekaRecycler
SEIKI Tv SC501TS has audio but no video, repair ... LCD & LED TV Repair - No Image & Blank Black Screen Flashlight Test - How to Fix LCD ...
? 2:57
Mar 4, 2014 - Uploaded by
Learn why your screen is blank and you have audio - No image LED TV Repair Review Main Board Problems ...
? 5:29
Jan 25, 2013 - Uploaded by Tampatec
Common LG LCD TV REPAIR - NO PICTURE OR BLACK SCREEN FIX ... I have a LG 42PM4700-UB plasma tv that justwent black. The red ... I had to keep turning on and off the TVseveral times for the screen to come back.
? 5:56
Sep 15, 2014 - Uploaded by
LED & LCD TV How to Diagnose Symptom of No Image on theScreen CLICK ... Tv was working fine when left to go to store and came back to blank picture and ... my samsung tv it turns on but its completely black and no sound at all ... LG LCD TV REPAIR - NO PICTURE SCREEN FIX REVIEW - Duration: ...
If your LCD TV or monitor has stopped working, or is displaying one of the following
symptoms, then it's a candidate for some new capacitors
- Flickering screen
- Screen image disappears after several seconds
- Dim screen
- Slow start
- Power LED on, but no picture
- Unusual colors and/or lines
The primary cause of LCD TV and monitor failure is caused by faulty capacitors. You can
examine the capacitors in your LCD TV or monitor and actually see if they are bad.
If they appear bulged on top, then they need to be replaced.
New capacitors will solve a host of problems in LCD monitors and TV's and will extend the life
of your monitor or TV by several years.
Check the cables, connectors and connections.
The best way to download pictures from your camera to your computer involves removing the memory card from the camera and plugging it into a card reader (either built-in to the computer or connected via USB or FireWire). This is likely to be faster than connecting the camera to the computer, and won't run down your camera's batteries.
Once the card is plugged in, it will appear to your computer as a removable drive. You can use the operating system's drag&drop facility to copy pictures from the card to the computer's hard drive, the same way you copy any other files. Or you can use any photo cataloging program.
If your using a memory card card go out and buy a memory card reader. These plug into your computer and will download pictures onto your computer much faster than a USB cable attached to your camera. If all the pictures on your camera appear okay with a card reader you problem is solved.
- Connect the smaller end of the USB cable into the USB port of your DXG. - Connect the other end of the USB cable to your computer's USB port. - The Digital video camera’s LCD Panel will turn on and will display the PC Connection Menu - Press the select button up or down button to select Mass Storage Device option on the menu screen.
Goto my computer, you can see new 1 drive appear (or 2 if you have SD card in your DXG). So now you can copy/upload your pictures to your computer hard disk.
another fixit post tells you to remove the back and take off a metal part:
This is the older brother: A lot of the reviews describe your very problem.