Oven temp is out of range(+500F) ERROR. Oven gets too hot to cook buscuits.
If you are using the control panel to operate the oven try it in the Manuel mold (open the door under the control board) and set the
t-stat to the cooking temp .if it cooks ok (you have to time it your self )the probe will be the problem,if it over heats i would think
you have stuck contactor
w tech
WB, Your thermostat is shot and must be replaced. The most difficult part of this job is locating one to replace it with. Have the complete Model and Serial number handy... First, try locally. Call a local Commercial Kitchen repair/parts house. Surely theres one nearby, they work on all McDonalds, Wendy's, Restaraunts, etc... cooking equipment. Second, contact the manufacturer; Star Manufacturing International, Inc. 10 Sunnen Drive St. Louis, MO 63143-3800 Phone (314) 781-2777 (800) 264-7827 Fax (800) 264-6666 After you have it, SHUT OFF THE POWER AT THE BREAKER!!! Now try to turn the unit on to VERIFY you have no power. Then remove the t'stat knob. Now remove the screws holding the control panel in place. Tilt the control panel out toward you. Now you can see the t'stat and see how the sensor bulb is routed. (HINT: Take a piece of paper and draw the back side of the t'stat's wire connection locations and wire colors/numbers, BEFORE removing anything.) Remove the wires and the t'stat and route/wire the new one the same way. Another tip; Be extremely careful with the sensor bulbs capillary tube (the small tube connecting the bulb to the t'stat). NO 90 DEGREE BENDS ALLOWED! It is a hollow tube, if it's piched/kinked you can throw it in the trash and buy yourself a new one. (It came packaged as a coil for a reason) As you uncoil it, go slow and easy.
This could be simply a bad sensor probe and not the tstat.
Usually answered in minutes!