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Anonymous Posted on Jun 14, 2013

How to adjust side burner on weber grills

For the last month i have noticed the the flame on the side burner has a yellow flame. How do you adjust the flame? I have tried adjusting the air flow in either direction but the flame still comes out yellow.

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Paul Carew

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  • Grilling Master 3,846 Answers
  • Posted on Oct 24, 2016
Paul Carew
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Joined: Jul 20, 2008

Burner could be blocked try cleaning the burner then you should be able to adjust air mix Lpg will a bit of yellow in the flame.

5 Related Answers


  • 1 Answer
  • Posted on Jun 09, 2009

SOURCE: How do I adjust the flame to burn hotter or more.

There are adjustment screw at the end of the burner tubes that allow more or less air to enter the burners. try opening or closing these screws



  • 867 Answers
  • Posted on Jul 05, 2009

SOURCE: Yellow flame from all carryover tubes. This grill is brand new

if the unit is running on natural gas, this is not unusual. if running off propane tank something is wrong with the regulator



  • 130 Answers
  • Posted on Jul 07, 2009

SOURCE: low flame on burner...

Remove the burner and check the flexible tubes for kinks or blockages. The flexible tubes usually just slip over the backs of the valves. Spiders love to get in there and block them. Also check that the holes in the burners are not clogged. Be careful when reseating the flexible tubes to be sure that they are properly seated on the back of the valves. Failure to properly seat the flexible tubes can cause leakage there, and the gas can ignite at the back of the valves and not reach the burner. Be certain that the replacement burner is designed to use with your grill and the flexible tubes mate properly with the back of the valves.


  • 1 Answer
  • Posted on Oct 13, 2009

SOURCE: cannot get good flame on the burner of my baby weber grill. I've tried cleaning it checked hose, tank, regulator, seems to have good flow, but low flame only, even when set in high????????

I had this problem with a brand new grill so it wasn't grease in the hose. Due to the new propane regulators you have to turn the propane tank on for at least a minute before turning the grill to light. Let the tank sit in the light position for five seconds and then you light the grill. This will keep air from getting into the intake hose and will keep your gas flame roaring high.

I was only able to get the grill up to 250 degrees before I found this fix posted on the Weber site. It is listed as the number one solution in the FAQ section.


Frank Schultz

  • 274 Answers
  • Posted on Jan 10, 2010

SOURCE: bbq burner flame too high

If you got water down inside the burner(s), this condition should eventually clear up.


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Open Stovetop
On most stoves, the air shutter is just behind the burner gas valve. It is a sliding plate or tube that covers the burner air vent. Loosen the set screw that keeps the shutter from moving. Turn the burner on fully and slowly open the shutter until the flame turns blue

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Hey Anon..
WOA...compressed propane is not something to mess around with..I would go back to the Home Depot and talk to the store manager,,(take your receipt and all other paper work for proof), ask him who to see about your issue.. tell him you are afraid to use your NEW grill.(Start at the top!).. you spent good $$$$ and you deserve an answer..or a new grill..

When I shut the lid of my weber q the outside ring burner fades out to one end then flames up into the lid. The flame is also very yellow. The Weber is 18 months old

Barry, from what you have described, it sounds like the Venturi Valve on the open end of the burner is clogged. Spiders like to build nest in them. The Venturi Valve mixes air to the gas, so that there is complete, clean combustion when the burner is ON. Removing and cleaning the burner should solve the problem.

Hope this helped you and Happy Grilling!! Thanks for choosing FixYa..

What color should the burner flame be

The burner flame should be blue.
If you have the spider air flow open to wide the flames will be yellow.
This means the gas flow has to much oxygen.

Typically the air vent should nearly closed.
You may not be able to remove all the yellow and have a few Yellow tips.
This is ok, just try to adjust were you have the last amount of yellow in the flames.

Good luck!
Hope this helps.


Uneven heat from burners

I'm experiencing the same problem, the left side has the least heat, and it seems to be getting way worse over time.  Has anyone found a solution for this yet?
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