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When I open the webcam icon I can myself perfectly. But when I try and invite a friend, it says I've cancelled my invite. WHAT? Also, she hear me fine, but she cannot see me, but I can see and hear her fine. So, the camera works, as I can clearly see myself and audio is clear on both ends, it's just that she cannot see me. Is the problem on her end or mine??
same problem i read that if u change your location it will work and i did and it dd work but now it is giving me the same problem againsame problem i read that if u change your location it will work and i did and it dd work but now it is giving me the same problem again
I have similar problem. I can launch webcam but when I invite other to join video chat, the connection break while waiting for connection.
I don't have the problem on XP but only when I migrate to Vista.
I tred to download a driver for the webcam but it doen't help.I have similar problem. I can launch webcam but when I invite other to join video chat, the connection break while waiting for connection.
I don't have the problem on XP but only when I migrate to Vista.
I tred to download a driver for the webcam but it doen't help.
You can't post conmments that contain an email address.
Web Camera’s have to be
setup on the program they are to be used with.Just installing the camera on your computer does not set it up to
broadcast on messengers or Skype.
Each program has Options that have to be setup in order for
the Audio and Video to function properly.
A.Skype Setup:
After downloading and installing Skype set it up as follows:
Go to
TOOLS, then OPTIONS, and click on Audio Settings and set the Microphone
and Speakers to the computer Audio Card.
click on the Video Settings.
camera if installed properly will come up and show a picture.
on the bottom of the page click on Save.
The camera and audio should function properly.Your friends and Family will now see and
talk to you.
B.Yahoo Setup:
After downloading and installing Yahoo Messenger set it up
as follows:
Go to
Messenger at the top left and click on it.
go down to Preferences and click on it.
Calling and Devices on the right and set the Microphone and Speakers to
the computer Audio Card.
go to the Test Audio section and(in blue writing) click on“Open the call setup assistant” and follow the instructions on the
left window.
C.Windows Live
you start Windows Live Messenger, expand the view by clicking on the
square on top left next to the red X.
on the Windows Live messenger window on the right side, click on “ “Show
Menus.” And then click on “Show the Menu Bar”.
go to the Menu Bar on right side, click on “ “Action.”
Go to
“TOOLS” and click “Audio and Video Setting” and follow the
NOTE:You audio and
video should work.Enjoy.
When done both the Audio and Video will function properly so
you can chat and see family or friends you are connected to.
Hope this helps.Bud
- If you need clarification, ask it in the comment box above.
- Better answers use proper spelling and grammar.
- Provide details, support with references or personal experience.
Tell us some more! Your answer needs to include more details to help people.You can't post answers that contain an email address.Please enter a valid email address.The email address entered is already associated to an account.Login to postPlease use English characters only.
Tip: The max point reward for answering a question is 15.
same problem i read that if u change your location it will work and i did and it dd work but now it is giving me the same problem again
I have similar problem. I can launch webcam but when I invite other to join video chat, the connection break while waiting for connection.
I don't have the problem on XP but only when I migrate to Vista.
I tred to download a driver for the webcam but it doen't help.