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Posted on Aug 20, 2007

Laptop won,t start up.

I put the power cord in and it starts to boot up on its own. 3 lights under 1, A & a down arrow come on then the hard drive starts to whirl and click. this goes on for a few minites then everything stops. I have tried removing the hard drive and reseating but that doesn't work. I have removed the base unit, doesn't work, tried to repower it up with out the hard drive the lights come on and nothing else.

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  • Contributor 63 Answers
  • Posted on Aug 21, 2007
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Possibility that the HD is toast. You can try to put a new HD in and reinstall the OS if you have the install disks. But the expense may not be worth it. $100 for a HD and another $120 for an OS. The one you have looks like its pretty old and it just might be time for a new laptop.

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Computer won't start - sounds 2 beeps

More than likely you have a memory or video card issue. I think your laptop has the Nvdia Graphics (Video) Card that was a manufacturing defect. If you get 1 long beep followed by 2 short beeps then it's the Nvidia Graphics Card that needs to be reflowed. Another sign also is that nothing posts on the lcd screen. Check the memory as described at the bottom and if it's not the memory it's your video card.

When you plug in the power cord is there any lights whatsoever on the laptop, where the plug goes in or on the AC Adapter of the power cord?

When you press the power button do you hear fans running, hard drive spinning, lights on the computer, hear any beeps or lights constantly blinking, hear the DvD/CD drive click and the light on the drawer of the DvD/CD turn on for a second or two? If so the laptop is trying to boot or may have booted, but the screen is not showing for some reason.

Beep tones and blinking lights tells the technicians what is going on with the laptop and why it is not booting. Most times it's a motherboard issue when you hear beeps or blinking lights continuous. Most times the problem is with the memory or Video Card. Count the Blinking Lights or Beeps and take note of their pattern (1 Long or 1 Long followed by 2 Short).

Maybe your power cord is bad if you don't get anything to happen whatsoever when you press the power button. And if that's true maybe you was operating off the battery the last time you had it on and since the power cord is bad, it was not charging the battery so the battery is drained and the power cord is bad.

Maybe you have a Static Charge Buildup. Remove the Power Cord, Remove the Battery, then Press and Hold the power button for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds plug the power cord back in (leave the battery out) and hit the power button to see if it boots. If it does, you can put the battery back in and let it charge.

Maybe your DC Power Jack which is where the power cord plugs into the computer is bad. Take an ink pen and push the tip inside the jack and see if the little pin wiggles, if so the jack is bad. You'll have to take the laptop apart to fix it. Most times it is soldered onto the motherboard, so you will have to desolder the old and solder a new one.

Maybe your memory is bad or the memory slot is bad.

Remove the Power Cord, Remove the battery, Remove the cover that houses the memory on the bottom of the laptop then remove one of the memory chips. Set the chip aside then try rebooting the computer. If it boots, then you know the memory chip you set aside is bad so mark an x on it with an ink pen. If it fails to boot then move the chip to the next memory slot and try rebooting. If it fails take the chip out and set it aside, then put the other chip in and try booting it in both slots. If it boots, just to verify that the chip set aside is bad, mark an x on it and put it into the open memory chip slot and try booting.


After turning on it turns off automatically after 3-4 seconds

When you plug in the power cord is there any lightswhatsoever on the laptop, where the plug goes in or on the AC Adapter of thepower cord?

When you press the power button do you hear fans running, hard drive spinning,lights on the computer, hear any beeps or lights constantly blinking, hear theDvD/CD drive click and the light on the drawer of the DvD/CD turn on for asecond or two? If so the laptop is trying to boot or may have booted, butthe screen is not showing for some reason.

Beep tones and blinking lights tells the technicians what is going on with thelaptop and why it is not booting. Most times it's a motherboard issuewhen you hear beeps or blinking lights continuous. Most times the problemis with the memory or Video Card. Count the Blinking Lights or Beeps and takenote of their pattern (1 Long or 1 Long followed by 2 Short).

Maybe your power cord is bad if you don't get anything to happen whatsoeverwhen you press the power button. And if that's true maybe you wasoperating off the battery the last time you had it on and since the power cordis bad, it was not charging the battery so the battery is drained and the powercord is bad.

Maybe you have a Static Charge Buildup. Remove the Power Cord, Remove theBattery, then Press and Hold the power button for 30seconds. After 30 seconds plug the power cord back in (leave the batteryout) and hit the power button to see if it boots. If it does, you can putthe battery back in and let it charge.Maybe your DC Power Jack which is where the power cord plugsinto the computer is bad. Take an ink pen and push the tip inside thejack and see if the little pin wiggles, if so the jack is bad. You'll have totake the laptop apart to fix it. Most times it is soldered onto themotherboard, so you will have to desolder the old and solder a new one.Maybe your memory is bad or the memory slot is bad.Remove the Power Cord, Open the Case and remove one of thememory chips. Set the chip aside then try rebooting the computer. If it boots, then you know the memory chip you set aside is bad so mark an x onit with an ink pen. If it fails to boot then move the chip to the nextmemory slot and try rebooting. If it fails take the chip out and set itaside, then put the other chip in and try booting it in both slots. If itboots, just to verify that the chip set aside is bad, mark an x on it and putit into the open memory chip slot and try booting.

Computer only tries to start after several times pushing the start switch

Maybe your power supply is bad. Sometimes they have enough power to make the lights come on, but not enough power to start the fans and hard drive.

When you plug in the power cord is there any lights whatsoever on the laptop, where the plug goes in or on the AC Adapter of the power cord?

When you press the power button do you hear fans running, hard drive spinning, lights on the computer, hear any beeps or lights constantly blinking, hear the DvD/CD drive click and the light on the drawer of the DvD/CD turn on for a second or two? If so the laptop is trying to boot or may have booted, but the screen is not showing for some reason.

Beep tones and blinking lights tells the technicians what is going on with the laptop and why it is not booting. Most times it's a motherboard issue when you hear beeps or blinking lights continuous. Most times the problem is with the memory or Video Card. Count the Blinking Lights or Beeps and take note of their pattern (1 Long or 1 Long followed by 2 Short).

Maybe your power cord is bad if you don't get anything to happen whatsoever when you press the power button. And if that's true maybe you was operating off the battery the last time you had it on and since the power cord is bad, it was not charging the battery so the battery is drained and the power cord is bad.

Maybe you have a Static Charge Buildup. Remove the Power Cord, Remove the Battery, then Press and Hold the power button for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds plug the power cord back in (leave the battery out) and hit the power button to see if it boots. If it does, you can put the battery back in and let it charge.

Maybe your DC Power Jack which is where the power cord plugs into the computer is bad. Take an ink pen and push the tip inside the jack and see if the little pin wiggles, if so the jack is bad. You'll have to take the laptop apart to fix it. Most times it is soldered onto the motherboard, so you will have to desolder the old and solder a new one.

Maybe your memory is bad or the memory slot is bad.

Remove the Power Cord, Open the Case and remove one of the memory chips. Set the chip aside then try rebooting the computer. If it boots, then you know the memory chip you set aside is bad so mark an x on it with an ink pen. If it fails to boot then move the chip to the next memory slot and try rebooting. If it fails take the chip out and set it aside, then put the other chip in and try booting it in both slots. If it boots, just to verify that the chip set aside is bad, mark an x on it and put it into the open memory chip slot and try booting.


Toshiba wont start up

What do you mean it won't start up? What happens when you hit the power button? Does it try to start up?Try running the check disk utility.
To run the check disk utility you will need a repair disc ora operating system disc. Put the disc in the cd drive and boot fromit. You want to get to the Dos Command Prompt (Black screen with whiteletters) and type the following command: chkdsk /r
Check disk will run well over an hour or two and you will notice thepercentages going from high to low, this is normal. Let it run tocompletion. Then reboot machine.

If check disk fails to solve your problem you might have to reinstall windows.Try doing a Repair Install that way you don't loose your data, documents,music, pictures, videos or programs.

In windows xp you get to the dos command prompt by selecting R for repair whenthe options appear.

In Vista and Windows 7 you want to get to the recoveryconsole and look down at the bottom of the window for the Dos Command.
If the laptop is not booting up still try the steps below.

When you plug in the power cord is there any lightswhatsoever on the laptop, where the plug goes in or on the AC Adapter of thepower cord?

When you press the power button do you hear fans running, hard drive spinning,lights on the computer, hear any beeps or lights constantly blinking, hear theDvD/CD drive click and the light on the drawer of the DvD/CD turn on for asecond or two? If so the laptop is trying to boot or may have booted, butthe screen is not showing for some reason.

Beep tones and blinking lights tells the technicians what is going on with thelaptop and why it is not booting. Most times it's a motherboard issuewhen you hear beeps or blinking lights continuous. Most times the problemis with the memory or Video Card. Count the Blinking Lights or Beeps and takenote of their pattern (1 Long or 1 Long followed by 2 Short).

Maybe your power cord is bad if you don't get anything to happen whatsoeverwhen you press the power button. And if that's true maybe you wasoperating off the battery the last time you had it on and since the power cordis bad, it was not charging the battery so the battery is drained and the powercord is bad.

Maybe you have a Static Charge Buildup. Remove the Power Cord, Remove theBattery, then Press and Hold the power button for 30seconds. After 30 seconds plug the power cord back in (leave the batteryout) and hit the power button to see if it boots. If it does, you can putthe battery back in and let it charge.Maybe your DC Power Jack which is where the power cord plugsinto the computer is bad. Take an ink pen and push the tip inside thejack and see if the little pin wiggles, if so the jack is bad. You'll have totake the laptop apart to fix it. Most times it is soldered onto themotherboard, so you will have to desolder the old and solder a new one.Maybe your memory is bad or the memory slot is bad.Remove the Power Cord, Remove the Battery, Remove the cover that houses the memory on the bottom of the laptop then remove one of thememory chips. Set the chip aside then try rebooting the computer. If it boots, then you know the memory chip you set aside is bad so mark an x onit with an ink pen. If it fails to boot then move the chip to the nextmemory slot and try rebooting. If it fails take the chip out and set itaside, then put the other chip in and try booting it in both slots. If itboots, just to verify that the chip set aside is bad, mark an x on it and putit into the open memory chip slot and try booting.

Desktop runs but won't boot

Normally if the hard drive is bad you will get some type of message on the screen.

If it sounds like it is running but the screen is blank, then try another monitor. Maybe the monitor is bad. Try another monitor. Borrow a monitor from a neighbor, friend, relative or co-worker and put it on the computer. If the borrowed monitor works, then your old monitor is bad. If the borrowed monitor does the same thing, then your video card is bad.

If it does not seem like it booted up all the way then try the steps below.

When you plug in the power cord is there any lights whatsoever on the laptop, where the plug goes in or on the AC Adapter of the power cord?

When you press the power button do you hear fans running, hard drive spinning, lights on the computer, hear any beeps or lights constantly blinking, hear the DvD/CD drive click and the light on the drawer of the DvD/CD turn on for a second or two? If so the laptop is trying to boot or may have booted, but the screen is not showing for some reason.

Beep tones and blinking lights tells the technicians what is going on with the laptop and why it is not booting. Most times it's a motherboard issue when you hear beeps or blinking lights continuous. Most times the problem is with the memory or Video Card. Count the Blinking Lights or Beeps and take note of their pattern (1 Long or 1 Long followed by 2 Short).

Maybe your power cord is bad if you don't get anything to happen whatsoever when you press the power button. And if that's true maybe you was operating off the battery the last time you had it on and since the power cord is bad, it was not charging the battery so the battery is drained and the power cord is bad.

Maybe you have a Static Charge Buildup. Remove the Power Cord, Then Press and Hold the power button for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds plug the power cord back in and hit the power button to see if it boots.

Maybe your memory is bad or the memory slot is bad.

Remove the Power Cord, Open the Case and remove one of the memory chips. Set the chip aside then try rebooting the computer. If it boots, then you know the memory chip you set aside is bad so mark an x on it with an ink pen. If it fails to boot then move the chip to the next memory slot and try rebooting. If it fails take the chip out and set it aside, then put the other chip in and try booting it in both slots. If it boots, just to verify that the chip set aside is bad, mark an x on it and put it into the open memory chip slot and try booting.


My compaq sr 1230 nx won't start

When you plug in the power cord is there any lightswhatsoever on the laptop, where the plug goes in or on the AC Adapter of thepower cord?

When you press the power button do you hear fans running, hard drive spinning,lights on the computer, hear any beeps or lights constantly blinking, hear theDvD/CD drive click and the light on the drawer of the DvD/CD turn on for asecond or two? If so the laptop is trying to boot or may have booted, butthe screen is not showing for some reason.

Beep tones and blinking lights tells the technicians what is going on with thelaptop and why it is not booting. Most times it's a motherboard issuewhen you hear beeps or blinking lights continuous. Most times the problemis with the memory or Video Card. Count the Blinking Lights or Beeps and takenote of their pattern (1 Long or 1 Long followed by 2 Short).

Maybe your power cord is bad if you don't get anything to happen whatsoeverwhen you press the power button. And if that's true maybe you wasoperating off the battery the last time you had it on and since the power cordis bad, it was not charging the battery so the battery is drained and the powercord is bad.

Maybe you have a Static Charge Buildup. Remove the Power Cord, Remove theBattery, then Press and Hold the power button for 30seconds. After 30 seconds plug the power cord back in (leave the batteryout) and hit the power button to see if it boots. If it does, you can putthe battery back in and let it charge.Maybe your DC Power Jack which is where the power cord plugsinto the computer is bad. Take an ink pen and push the tip inside thejack and see if the little pin wiggles, if so the jack is bad. You'll have totake the laptop apart to fix it. Most times it is soldered onto themotherboard, so you will have to desolder the old and solder a new one.Maybe your memory is bad or the memory slot is bad.Remove the Power Cord, Open the Case and remove one of thememory chips. Set the chip aside then try rebooting the computer. If it boots, then you know the memory chip you set aside is bad so mark an x onit with an ink pen. If it fails to boot then move the chip to the nextmemory slot and try rebooting. If it fails take the chip out and set itaside, then put the other chip in and try booting it in both slots. If itboots, just to verify that the chip set aside is bad, mark an x on it and putit into the open memory chip slot and try booting.

Won't start up

Remove the Power Cord, Remove the Battery, Remove the cover that houses the memory on the bottom of the laptop then remove one of thememory chips. Set the chip aside then try rebooting the computer. If it boots, then you know the memory chip you set aside is bad so mark an x onit with an ink pen. If it fails to boot then move the chip to the nextmemory slot and try rebooting. If it fails take the chip out and set itaside, then put the other chip in and try booting it in both slots. If itboots, just to verify that the chip set aside is bad, mark an x on it and putit into the open memory chip slot and try booting.

Laptop won't start up

I'm inclined to think that your power cord is bad and you have drained your battery.
When you plug in the power cord is there any lightswhatsoever on the laptop, where the plug goes in or on the AC Adapter of thepower cord?

When you press the power button do you hear fans running, hard drive spinning,lights on the computer, hear any beeps or lights constantly blinking, hear theDvD/CD drive click and the light on the drawer of the DvD/CD turn on for asecond or two? If so the laptop is trying to boot or may have booted, butthe screen is not showing for some reason.

Beep tones and blinking lights tells the technicians what is going on with thelaptop and why it is not booting. Most times it's a motherboard issuewhen you hear beeps or blinking lights continuous.

Maybe your power cord is bad if you don't get anything to happen whatsoeverwhen you press the power button. And if that's true maybe you wasoperating off the battery the last time you had it on and since the power cordis bad, it was not charging the battery so the battery is drained and the powercord is bad.

Maybe you have a Static Charge Buildup. Remove the Power Cord, Remove theBattery, then Press and Hold the power button for 30seconds. After 30 seconds plug the power cord back in (leave the batteryout) and hit the power button to see if it boots. If it does, you can putthe battery back in and let it charge.

I couldn't restore my mini hp. How to restore factory my mini hp? As i couldn't find ways to restore it from my mini hp. By the way, my mini laptop doesn't have any CD rom drive.

Roxio BackOn Track is a suite of backup and recovery tools which includes the following: · Disaster Recovery? · File Backup? · Instant Restore? Accessing Roxio BackOn Track There are two ways to access Roxio BackOn Track?through the boot menu or through the Windows Start menu. Use the boot menu option if you cannot access Windows. You can use the boot menu to restore your computer to a previous working state or to return the computer to the state it was in before the last time it was restored. You must be able to access Windows to use the other options, such as Disaster Recovery. To access Roxio BackOn Track using the boot menu, follow the steps below. 1. Press the power button to turn on the HP Mini. 2. Press and hold down the f6 key to open the Windows Boot Manager, use the down arrow key to select Roxio BackOnTrack , and then press the enter key to open Roxio BackOn Track.To access Roxio BackOn Track using the Windows Start menu, click Start , All Programs , Roxio , BackOnTrack , and then BackOnTrack Home to open Roxio BackOn Track.Backing up your hard drive using Disaster Recovery 1. In the left pane, click Disaster Recovery to expand the options, and then in the right pane, click Backup Drive . 2. Select the hard disk drive from the drop-down list in step 1, click inside the text box in step 2 and add any comments that you want to add, select a destination drive from the drop-down list under Destination Selection , and then click the large circle button at the bottom-right of the screen to continue. 3. Wait while Backup Drive creates an image of your hard drive. Restoring your hard drive Prior to restoring your hard drive, you must have created a disaster recovery set. To restore your hard drive using Disaster Recovery, follow the steps below. 1. Shut down and power off your HP Mini if it is not already powered off. 2. Connect an external USB optical drive to the HP Mini. 3. Connect the flash drive or external USB drive that you used to create your Disaster Recovery disc. 4. Power on your HP Mini, insert your Disaster Recovery disc into the external USB optical drive, and then restart your computer. 5. Follow the on-screen instructions to select a Disaster Recovery Set and the drive or drive partition you want to restore.For more information, please see the Help within the Roxio BackOn Track software.

Asus p5kpl-cm boot problem

Could possibly be a fault on your hard drive the same happened to me ,I checked the hard drive on another pc and it was dead..Good luck John
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