Sony SDM M51D 15.1" LCD Monitor Logo
Posted on Aug 20, 2007
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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SDM M51 major problem

Tft monitor is about 6 years old has been perfect until now. When switched on, status box is showing missing lines and distortion. Then the screen the goes black, turning to grey in places and somtimes flares out to white. When connected to computer, image, if aquired, distorts and fades to white or gray with residual background image and becomes unusable. Prior to this problem there was a fizzling noise and a smell of ozone. Thanks in advance for any suggestion/help As yet I have not looked inside the case. Tony

  • ARtone Aug 20, 2007

    Thanks for that benimur

    I have now undone the case and had a brief look prior to your email for such a damaged component. There does not appear to be any indication of damage. I have pressed in all the small connectors in case of a HR joint and with the guts still out of the case I have powered it up and it is working perfectly. I am currently concerned that this is an ittermittant fault which will probably return once the case is replaced. after the first burn out it did work again some time later and then failed again yesterday.

    Thanks for the info which is most helpfull for the future



2 Answers

Terry Holmes

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  • Posted on Dec 06, 2007
Terry Holmes
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For sony SDM-M51 monitors try pinching the the screen on the plastic bezel, about one inch above the speaker holes on the audio output side of the screen. Move up and down a little. If the picture comes back on the problem is the lcd connector to the monitor electronics.


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  • Posted on Aug 20, 2007
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Based on your post/description, the "fizzling noise and a smell of ozone" are indicators of electronic component(s) that burned. Should you be comfortable and have a fair knowledge of component level repair, soldering and the use of a VOM then it is possible to repair it yourself. The inside would basically be divided into 3 electronic group; 1. power supply; 2. video; and 3. illumination. This should be fairly straight forward since the "fizzling noise and a smell of ozone" indicators would also be visually apparent. Fizzling would normally be capacitors leaking their oil at high temp/high pressure. this would probably be in the power supply section (but the other 2 groups have their own capacitors also). Smell of ozone would usually come from high voltage arcing which is only present in the inverter circuitry of the illumination. It is the group responsible for supplying the high voltage high frequency supply of the small fluorescent tube (CCF) that provides the backlight of the display panel. As earlier mentioned, it has also its own capacitors. If for some reason you do not feel comfortable opening and working the electronics inside, you might be better off seeking the services of a qualified professional. Good luck and kind regards. Hope this gives you and idea and how to go about it.


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