Olympus FE-180 Digital Camera Logo

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Posted on Aug 17, 2007
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I keep getting a black screen when i try to take a picture

When i turn my camera on to take a picture i see all the current camera info displayed on the sides of the lcd screen but other than that its a black somewhat fuzzy screen. any ideas as to how i can fix it if its fixable?

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  • Master 2,985 Answers
  • Posted on Aug 29, 2007
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Joined: Apr 27, 2007

Not fixable - check Olympus for a repair estimate - be prepared to junk it and start over

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My LCD screen is black. The camera seems to take

its actually probably the display. there is 3 different displays. 1. shows picture with icons 2. shows just the picture and 3. is a solid black screen. just hit the display button to cycle through until your desired display is present

Black screen

Simply right click on the track itself and select send to/DVD-RW or CR-RW depending on the type Compact disc drive you have. Then you will see a notification, "you files to be written to CD." Simply click on it or go to your Compact disc drive on My Computer and click “write these files to CD.” Then follow the screen instructions. IT is that simple. All you need to do is press and release the display button until the screen displays. Usually Canon Powershot cameras have 3 display modes:- colour, black & white, blank. Your camera is set to blank that is why you cannot see any image/screen displays no image. Just press and release the display button until the screen displays. That should do it.

Black screen

Try cycling through the Display button until you're able to view photo to be taken.

Screen is black

Eagle 23: Press the "Disp" button and your LCD screen will turn on right away.

nazmil_mj: Can you take pictures or are they totally black as well? If you can only take black pictures then your LCD screen is fine and your CCD is bad or your aperture is stuck. Either of these means you need your lens replaced.

Don't bother asking a store for help (though you can if you like) they will tell you it's not fixable or will just send it to Canon and charge you $175 for the repair.

We are an affordable digital camera repair business, we can replace your lens for about $75!

Owner- Darntoothysam com

Lens & screen show black instead of item to be shot.

You need to go into the menu function to turn the screen on (this feature saves the batterys)
Dec 08, 2008 • Cameras

Olympus e-500, when reviewing pictures taken, the lcd flashes black and white in contrast areas, not allowing me to properly review pictures, got latest firmware. Ta

When in review mode if you press the INFO button it changes the information that is displayed on the screen of each image. You can keep pressing the INFO button and it will toggle through all of the various display information available.

It doesn't take pictures...

Sounds like a defective CCD imager. You may be in luck. Canon should fix this for you for free, including free shipping both ways. Please check the following two links for more info:
Applicable cameras include:
A40, A60, A70, A75, A80, A85, A95, A300, A310, S1 IS, S60, S200, S230, S330, S400, S410, S500, SD100, SD110

Turn on camera but the lcd sceen is black

Have you checked the display mode you're in? If you have the display set to off (to save power) and also the picture review time set to off, then you'll just see a black screen. Try pressing the 'Disp.' button below the screen when the camera is on - it should cycle through different settings with each press: Off, On, On with picture info. Similarly, in the playback mode this will show you more or less info about the picture you are viewing.

Even if the display is switched off, if you have your 'review' option in the menu set to anything other than Off (i.e. 2 seconds), then you should see the picture you've taken appear on the screen straight after taking it.

If it's not that, then I don't know the answer....

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