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Posted on Aug 16, 2007

Advent HT2751A display no good until after 1-2 hour warmup - maybe

All inputs, will not display video, although the audio does come through. When in RF/TV channel mode, the screen shows a picture with lots of horizontal tearing. Eventually it just displays a random, static spotty colored picture. After a good hour or two, the set may actually begin working - although the picture quality is not perfect by any means. What info I've gathered suggests it's power supply/flyback related. It's strange that heat actually helps the set begin working correctly. I believe the problem to be more related to a bad IC than a power problem. From what info I've obtained, this problem is not unique. I have to believe someone out there has faced and fixed this problem.

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  • WILD-MAN Sep 18, 2007

    OK - I entered this problem and now for closure I will add the following repair info. I took it to the only place in town that would repair it. It turned out to be a bad capacitor. I don't know which one, but I do have the bad part. If you're curious, this repair cost $103 and the TV now works great. Since the set cost $300 plus, I figure it was worth having it fixed - this time...

  • MoneyJ Nov 10, 2007

    When I first turn on the tv, it will only display the blue screen. After turning the tv on and off a few times, the sound may come on without a picture. The tv eventually comes on with picture and sound. Just yesterday, I noticed that the picture on the screen is bowed on the sides. The screen appears to be taking on a hour glass shape. I will like to see what this capacitor looks like. Maybe this is the problem I'm having

  • Anonymous Nov 27, 2007

    I have a problem with my Advent HT2751A very much related to yours. When I leave the TV set on the Picture is scrambled and when i leave it on for 30 mins the picture comes back slowly but after 45mins of warming up, i turn the tv off and on and the picture comes back but it'll distort again 2 hours later. I would like to see what the capacitor looks like if you have a picture of it.. I posted pictures of my Symtoms.

    When i first turn on the TV:

    After the TV warms up:
    Picture stays frozen like that for like 45 more mins..

    AFTER the tv warms up for an Hour, i turn it off then on and it works for 2 hours then it repeats the cycle:


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  • Posted on Mar 16, 2011
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Joined: Nov 27, 2007

After 3 years, I finally decided to open up the TV and do some troubleshooting. Found out the problem, It was a blown capacitor Location C554 Capacitor value is 2200uF 16V - costs about a dollar to replace yourself and the TV works brand new.

Testimonial: "We took it to a repair shop and that exactly what they did - replaced 1 capacitor. Glad you figured it out. Thanks!"

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