Insignia IS-PDVD10 Portable DVD Player Logo

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Posted on Aug 15, 2007
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Lid Came Off and I cant get it Back on right

I trid to put it back in and I have all the parts, but it still does not work. Can someone please help.

1 Answer

Chris McWethy

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  • Expert 170 Answers
  • Posted on Apr 17, 2008
Chris McWethy
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Joined: Apr 17, 2008

This is not a small job. The lis is one of the first chassis pieces that is put in place, then the drive, boards, buttons and so forth.

Make sure that both tabs on the back of the optical door are still there. I've seen a few where one of the tabs breaks off and the lid just flops around. The small metal plate needs to have it's screws that will mount it on one side, and the spring needs to be there as well.

If you have a screwdriver and are very brave, you can repair this yourself. Otherwise it's a repair for the Insignia repair team.

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havr you trid to refnat it ?as long as you have a windows set your boot ti cd-dvd then dont put in a parrword

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If you mean the part of the lid that wobbles, well this pulls off to clean. Make a note of which way the centre rubber part sits as putting it on back to front will cause problems.

I have a Maytag LA212 AND a Maytag A8120 washers that will both fill but then do nothing else. The A8120 I got first and it just started this behavior last night then then today someone put out the LA212...

I used to have 2 laundromats full of toploader Maytags... these will fill and do exactly what is happening to you if the LID SWITCH is not activating. Open and close the lid and listen for a clicking sound. Look a the rear edge of the lid... there is an indentation that is supposed to activate a small white switch in the that's attached to the top of the machine. Many times the lid will simply get bent.. someone sitting on the lid, standing on the lid... will be enough to throw it out of whack. Close the lid and push on the center of the closed lid... will the machine work? Or carefully push a flatblade screwdriver tip between the lid and the switch to see if you can get it to activate. Solution: Open the lid and apply firm pressure on the lid towards the back of the machine, while with the other hand push DOWN on the back edge of the lid...right where the indentation for the switch is... if you give it a slight'll probably be back in business. One other thing, if the lid switch isn't clicking...replace it.


All that is wrong is that the plunger that holds the lid down is likely siezed with old oil. If you are careful you can slowly insert 2 flat sided screw drivers under the front part of the lid on either side of the right and left side of the lid and slowly move them toward the middle , thus the plunger will likely give way and the lid will pop open.
If this does not work contact me at [email protected]

Wayne Buss

Bad conection, i think

i think the ps3 world tour only works wireless! so if you don't have the little hub you out of luck dude,ask the person you bougth it from?ask for yo money back! hope this helps! good luck. mart.

Wont spin unless you use a tool to depress the contactor in the little slot on top of washer lid..seem like the piece is loose or has lost a and spins fine if you hold piece down with...

You cant raise the lid. You have to take the sides off the top panel, and unscrew the two phillip head screws. Then remove the two brass clips(very strong). Then pull the whole cabinet off. Then repair lid sw. Be carefull when putting cabinet back on, you have to make sure the back of cabinet goes on the rail with the clip into it, if you dont put back on right it will vibrate.

Cant see anything

Probably you turned hdtv on change it back to tv

Top wont let back or close

Inside your trunk on the left hand side there are two electric motors one drives the rooof lid and the other drives the roof, they can be engaged and disengaged independantly by small steel levers(THESE ARE LOCATED UNDER THE MATERIAL). once disengaged check if they work by standing and checking them while someone presses the roof button for you. 

If they work and everything is fine you need to engage and disengage until they are in sync, When the roof lid is open you will also notice a small button under the roof lid catches this button allows the back part of the roof to drop and to tell the car that the roof lid is closed and it is now safe to let opne the trunk.

Help please

You can download the manual from the link below: See page 19 on how to assemble the bobbin. Please update the question & let us know if the information given was useful to you - Good Luck!
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