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My TV randomly died about a month ago and I just got around to pulling it apart. I noticed a fuse was blown and after a little resaerch found that this is a common(extremely) problem with this model. I replaced the fuse with a 4amp 250v slow blow. Now I get power, but still nothing. I hear a series of high pitched clicks that sound like they are coming from a transformer. Philips technical support wouldn't even tell me what the error code(flashed by LED by power button) meant. 1 long flash then 5 shorter ones, if that helps. This set is under 2 years old, and should still be functioning. I would love to resolve the problem without spending the cost of a new TV in fixing this one.
Sounds like you have a short in your power supply load. Probably the high voltage transformer and/or horizontal output transistor.
P.S. I've found that a lot of the newer sets are prone to high voltage transformer failure.
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