As it doesnot boot I ran the recovery disk to reload the program burt it still hangs. Iam told i would need to reoplace the harddisk as it was having bad secotr. Anyone can help me with a solution that i can try or can suggest where i can find a compatabile harddisk of 3.2 gb which fit the actius A100 PC
The first thing I will suggest you do is check the bios version in your laptop and make sure that it is up to date. The reason: IT will be hard to come by a 3.2GB hard disk drive today. If you find one then it is going to be either refurbished or you pay a lot for it. Alternative: Get a bigger size hard drive like the 20 GB suggested by the last solution. But before then visit sharp website and check out the bios update for the model that you have-PCA100,1086,30,00.html Follow the instruction to update the bios. If you are a complete novice then I will suggest that you do not attempt to this on your own as this may screw up your computer. In any case, you can follow the instruction to flash the bios and then you can install the new hard-drive and follow up with OS restore, instruction for this is also available on sharp website Steps from Sharp?s website: How to recover the operating system. Note: All data on drive C: will be lost if you recover the operating system. After hitting the power button, look for the prompt to "press F2 for setup" and press F2. Scroll to the Boot Sequence option and hit Enter. Highlight the CD-ROM option and press the space bar until it is shown at the top of the 3 choices. Press Esc until you are in the Exit screen. Put Recovery Disk One in the CD-ROM drive. Chose to exit saving changes and the system will boot to the recovery CD. The recovery program will walk you through the rest of the process. You can choose to recover drive (partition) C: or both C: and D:.
My Link above was truncated by the system
here is the correct link on 2 lines
You can put up to a 20gb drive in this machine,,,,the other thng you can do is actually format your drive, do not quick format as this will not map bad sectors,, then I would use the restoration disk to recover your operating sytem and programs, and do all available updates,,,,good luck i hope this helps...
To run the check disk utility you will need a repair disc or
a operating system disc. Put the disc in the cd drive and boot from
it. You want to get to the Dos Command Prompt (Black screen with white
letters) and type the following command: chkdsk /r
Check disk will run well over an hour or two and you will notice the
percentages going from high to low, this is normal. Let it run to
completion. Then reboot machine.
If check disk fails to solve your problem you might have to reinstall windows.
Try doing a Repair Install that way you don't loose your data, documents,
music, pictures, videos or programs.
In windows xp you get to the dos command prompt by selecting R for repair when
the options appear.
In Vista and Windows 7 you want to get to the recovery
console and look down at the bottom of the window for the Dos Command.
Usually answered in minutes!