Sharp Actius A100 (PCA100) PC Notebook Logo

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Posted on Aug 11, 2007
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Laptop doesd not boot

As it doesnot boot I ran the recovery disk to reload the program burt it still hangs. Iam told i would need to reoplace the harddisk as it was having bad secotr. Anyone can help me with a solution that i can try or can suggest where i can find a compatabile harddisk of 3.2 gb which fit the actius A100 PC

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  • Posted on Aug 11, 2007
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The first thing I will suggest you do is check the bios version in your laptop and make sure that it is up to date. The reason: IT will be hard to come by a 3.2GB hard disk drive today. If you find one then it is going to be either refurbished or you pay a lot for it. Alternative: Get a bigger size hard drive like the 20 GB suggested by the last solution. But before then visit sharp website and check out the bios update for the model that you have-PCA100,1086,30,00.html Follow the instruction to update the bios. If you are a complete novice then I will suggest that you do not attempt to this on your own as this may screw up your computer. In any case, you can follow the instruction to flash the bios and then you can install the new hard-drive and follow up with OS restore, instruction for this is also available on sharp website Steps from Sharp?s website: How to recover the operating system. Note: All data on drive C: will be lost if you recover the operating system. After hitting the power button, look for the prompt to "press F2 for setup" and press F2. Scroll to the Boot Sequence option and hit Enter. Highlight the CD-ROM option and press the space bar until it is shown at the top of the 3 choices. Press Esc until you are in the Exit screen. Put Recovery Disk One in the CD-ROM drive. Chose to exit saving changes and the system will boot to the recovery CD. The recovery program will walk you through the rest of the process. You can choose to recover drive (partition) C: or both C: and D:.

  • Anonymous Aug 11, 2007

    My Link above was truncated by the system
    here is the correct link on 2 lines



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  • Posted on Aug 11, 2007
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You can put up to a 20gb drive in this machine,,,,the other thng you can do is actually format your drive, do not quick format as this will not map bad sectors,, then I would use the restoration disk to recover your operating sytem and programs, and do all available updates,,,,good luck i hope this helps...


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Did you see a blue screen at all? If so, your HD is bad. No disk will fix it. you would need to reload everything on a new Hard drive. Boot managers are not a simple program that is loaded. They are 'built' by windows and are not replaceable in the way you are asking.

The way to fix this is to replace the hard drive and reload the computer with the original disks.

To be blunt, I would replace the computer unless there is a reason you need XP. XP is not safe to use online anymore.

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It sounds like you need a boot disk.

You can try to boot holding Command + R and go into recovery mode. If it's too old, you'll need to download the recovery tool from apple's website.

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You cannot delete the C: drive when you are running in Windows, since that is where the Windows installation is. If you want to reinstall Windows, then you need either the recovery disk, or to hit the hotkey during boot to boot from the recovery partition.

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Try running the Check Disk Utility. Hopefully your operating system is still there to run the check disk utility. I do see where you say you ran a format which might have wiped it out.

To run the check disk utility you will need a repair disc or a operating system disc. Put the disc in the cd drive and boot from it. You want to get to the Dos Command Prompt (Black screen with white letters) and type the following command: chkdsk /r
Check disk will run well over an hour or two and you will notice the percentages going from high to low, this is normal. Let it run to completion. Then reboot machine.

If check disk fails to solve your problem you might have to reinstall windows. Try doing a Repair Install that way you don't loose your data, documents, music, pictures, videos or programs.

In windows xp you get to the dos command prompt by selecting R for repair when the options appear.

In Vista and Windows 7 you want to get to the recovery console and look down at the bottom of the window for the Dos Command.


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If your Toshiba has a Recovery Partition on your disk drive, then you can boot the system and see which function key it says to hit to get into recovery. Some system will have an option to get into recover under the Programs list. Click Start/Programs and see if there is a recovery there. If all fails you will need an Operating System Disc to reload.

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It sounds like the Windows boot files have become corrupted. That could happen for several reasons, but if you're willing to just reformat/reload the operating system, we're only concerned with one of those reasons.

There are some viruses that can corrupt boot files. If that's what happened, then reformatting/reloading the OS will take care of it.

On the other hand, it could be that your hard drive may be failing. When you reformat/reload, the Windows system will tell you if it finds errors on the drive.

The following is from the Acer manual for your machine as to how to access the BIOS and enable a hard disk recovery:

To activate the BIOS utility, press during the POST; while the notebook PC
logo is being displayed.

Boot sequence

To set the boot sequence in the BIOS utility, activate the BIOS utility, then select
Boot from the categories listed at the top of the screen. [You should set the CD/DVD drive to be the first boot device, in case you need to reload from a DVD]

Enable disk-to-disk recovery

To enable disk-to-disk recovery (hard disk recovery), activate the BIOS utility,
then select Main from the categories listed at the top of the screen. Find D2D
Recovery at the bottom of the screen and use the and keys to set this
value to Enabled.

[End of manual quote]

If you're not able to restore from the hidden partition on the hard drive, which may happen if the drive is damaged, then you'll have to try to restore using a Windows DVD.

Hope that's helpful.

Laptop will not boot when turned on

Go into bios and make sure that your cd player is set up as the first boot up device. Then insert the disk, reboot and follow the prompts to install the OS. When thru get the drivers you need and you are good to go!

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There are several free Password recovery programs available for download on the Internet. The best ones allow you to change the password to a new password of your choice. Google "password recovery"

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You might want to run a harddrive diagnostic test. You can find bootable iso's on the harddrive manufacturers website.
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