RCA F27442 27" TV Logo

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Posted on Aug 08, 2007
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Tv problem i was washing tv when the tv go off. the tv give me a whinning sounds. no picture nothing.i checked the horizontal o/p transistor which it's located near the flyback on a heatsink which I suspect it's shorted & i found it shorting so i change it with another one but the same problem happened again.tell me what to do !

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  • Posted on Aug 09, 2007
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The F27442 uses the CTC203 series chassis and that symptom is very common. If the horizontal output is shorted you MUST resolder the coil in series with the base of that transistor and the pins of the small horizontal drive transformer. When they have been properly resoldered you can put in a new original horizontal output transistor. If the output transistor shorts out again then your flyback (high voltage) transformer is shorted and needs to be replaced.

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Sound, no picture, Red LED 4 flashes

Hello Thanshar, Hi, you TV has sound, but no picture. this could be several things, and let us add the red led flash. In my analysis, no picture means no high voltage is reaching the picture tube. this could be due to a bad Horizontal output transistor, and/or a bad flyback transformer. This bad transistor is causing an overload to the power supply section, causing the 4 led flash to blink. Now i want to know if you want to do this service or get professional help. if you decide to do this by yourself, this needs to be performed: the Horizontal output transistor must be checked for short, the horizontal flyback transformer needs to be tested, the deflection yoke also needs to be checked, especially to horizontal coil.

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good day friend. check for an open resistor with high wattage and low resistance. explain how that nl8001 looks. does it have colored bands on it. give me a description of it. does it look burned. check your dc voltage on your main filter cap. it should be between 150v to 160ish v look in the horizontal section. check the horizontal output transistor, to see if there is about the same voltage as the main filter cap. thank you and please give me a positive rate.

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hi first of all u should check ur transistor connections.Check your Horizontal and vertical output transistors.You should also check the horizontal and vertical yoke connections as well as your low voltage regulators.... if any of these got damaged u should purchase a new one.. but try to purchase with the help of a tv service assistant...
thank u!!!
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No sound

hi first of all u should check ur transistor connections.Check your Horizontal and vertical output transistors.You should also check the horizontal and vertical yoke connections as well as your low voltage regulators.... if any of these got damaged u should purchase a new one.. but try to purchase with the help of a tv service assistant...
thank u!!!
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27 inch tube tv won't stay on

You have a problem is in your horizontal section which also is part of your power supply. The high pitched whine is from the Intergrated High voltage transformer (also called the flyback transformer). This sound occurs when the freuency of the transformer changes and or the voltage gets too high. The click occurs as a result of the drawing of excessive current by the HOT Horizontal output transistor. This is repairable, but requires the correct equipment and a schematic.


check the horizontal o/p transistor I suspect it's shorted, find location Q14401, on the board it's marked as q401. it's located near the flyback on a heatsink. if it's bad the rca part number is 242224. good luck

Rca f27442

Check for shorted base-collector junction on horizontal output transistor designator Q14401. Also coil L14401 going to base of transistor needs to be desoldered, scrape ends, resoldered. If horizontal transistor is shorted, real possible flyback transformer bad.

No power even standby LED..

This is like a car running without a driver,the horizonatl output transistor has the voltage it needs but it does not have horizontal drive signal applied to the base of the horizonatl driver transistor,the driver transistor should have a signal coming from the signal processor where the signal is generated just to get give it to the driver this driver then it gives it to the output to energize the flyback and light up the picture tube and generate a few other supplies,158 volts are there because the output is not turn on,try measuring voltage somewere else in the set and not at the collector of the output,there is a b+supply that goes to the signal processor(8 to 12 volts),check to see if you have this voltage,I couldn't tell you the pins in the siganl processor IC without squematic,It seems you know your way around tv service but be careful when checking voltages.Let Us know if you need more information.

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The sound can be called screaming from the power supply,it senses a short and creates a frequency you can hear,the set has a problem and it needs to be repaired,I will check the horizontal out put transistor for a short,sometimes it goes bad without a reason and sometimes the high voltage transformer is also bad and both have to be replaced but first the transistor only if it goes bad again then you replaced the transformer too.Seek assistance from a servicer if you are not too familiar with tv service,it can be dangerous.
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